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Using Ramen Noodle Spicy Chili packets to stop my CH


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I know this sounds silly, but I know us CH sufferers will try anything and this actually works for me. When I start to feel my CH come on I make a tea from the spice packets i get out of the spicy chili ramen noodles and this will stop my headaches exactly like triptan's did when they worked for me. I believe that the spice stimulates the nerve ganglia in much the way that the implant does and at  4 for a dollar instead of the 6 dollars a dose that sumatriptan was costing me it's a win win. I actually hate Ramen noodles but that spice packet has earned a place in my heart.


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The weird thing about this, given our list of triggers at another thread, is that the spice packet is filled with MSG, which is a wicked trigger for many.  Or maybe you're talking about a different brand:  I'm looking at Maruchan Hot Chili Flavor Ramen.   Or I suppose maybe it's possible that the MSG isn't in the spice packet, though I don't know where else it would be.

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I'm sure it's filled with MSG, but I am fortunate that I have no known food triggers, all of mine seem to be event related, sleep, relaxing and alcohol. Mine also switched sides. After a 3 year remission, they returned on the opposite side with increased frequency and pain. Also when they returned sumatriptan quit working. It was a miracle drug when I had them on right side, totally ineffective on the left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 episodes ago (approx 5 years ago), I tried cayenne pepper spray up my nose (used sinus buster bottle).  During that 2 month stretch, I was able to abort almost half of my attacks with the spray.  I was overjoyed.

Since then, the spray hasn't worked at all.  Very disappointing but that's the story many come to know with this beast. 

There's definitely something there.

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I have tried something similar to this.. 

  At least, I dip my finger in jalepeno juice and then stick it up my nose. I had success with it once, however the two other times Iv tried it, I did not get the original success. 

Since I was not able to replicate the relief, I have stopped doing it and resorted to my standard "extreme superficial pain" treatment method. 

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