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Testosterone Levels


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Hello. I just had my testosterone levels checked for another issue in the last week of a 6-week cluster cycle and they were very low. I read a few studies that suggest there could be a correlation. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, did your levels return to normal after the CH cycle was over? I'm really hoping this is the case and that I don't have a pituitary tumor. Thanks.

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Testosterone replacement in men is pretty controversial.   Interpreting lab results is problematic because of wich version of testosterone is being reported and how that level relates to hormone bound to sex binding globulin and plasma.  "Normal" levels are also age dependent.  Its an emerging area of medicine that has a bit of hocus pocus and treatment standards are not uniform. Some practices and franchises are exceptionally good a the wallet biopsy.  Some underlying medical conditions (cardiac, high blood pressure clotting) may be affected by supplemental testosterone.  Also a good practitioner will include some blocking agents against estrogen and hypothalamic suppression so the testicles dont shrink and there is no breast development.  With those caveats Testosterone replacement has a role in mens health especially in recovery for athletes, libido and sexual performance.  Would suggest it be part of a comprehensive medical care with your primary provider. Also it way cheaper to give yourself the shots and save the time and cost of the office visit.


That said the data on testosterone replacement and clusters is neutral with no evidence of harm or benefit. 

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