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Vitamin D regiment and migraine


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The anti-inflammatory regimen with 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3 plus the cofactors is very effective in preventing migraine headache.  My wife was the first to try this regimen to prevent her migraines in December of 2010 when she saw how it prevented my cluster headaches.  Up until then she had been a chronic migraineur with 3 to 5 day long attacks hitting monthly like clockwork for over 20 years.  She hasn't had a single migraine headache since.


The main reason I don't discus taking the anti-inflammatory regimen as a migraine preventative more frequently is due to the low number of migraineurs compared to CHers.  We've well over 500 CHers reporting their results after starting the anti-inflammatory regimen with better than 80% efficacy where the number of migraineurs reporting back to me is under 20...  That said, the efficacy they report is better than 90%.


The first step before starting this regimen is to have your friend see his/her PCP for the 25(OH)D lab test.  Like CHers, nearly all migraineurs are vitamin D3 deficient/insufficient... in short, a 25(OH)D serum concentration less than 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L).


The following graphic illustrates the baseline 25(OH)D serum concentrations reported by CHers before starting the anti-inflammatory regimen.



As you can see, the mean 25(OH)D serum concentration was 23.4 ng/mL and the max was only 47 ng/mL.  Like CHers, migrainerus need to maintain a 25(OH)D serum concentration around 80 ng/mL in order to experience and maintain a migraine free response.  That will require an average vitamin D3 intake of 10,000 IU/day.  Not surprisingly, most migraineurs are also magnesium deficient.  The anti-inflammatory regimen has both.


It's important to note that vitamin D3 is not a mono-therapy...  In other words, you don't just take vitamin D3.  We also need the vitamin D3 cofactors.  They include magnesium, zinc, boron, vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin K2 (MK4 and MK7).  The anti-inflammatory regimen also includes Omega-3 fish oil, another anti-inflammatory that also aids in vitamin D3 absorption.


You can find the complete anti-inflammatory regimen with an explanation of the dosing strategy, drug interactions and contraindications half way down the first page at the first following link and a downloadable PDF of the latest treatment protocol at the second link: 




Henry Lahor, the brains and brawn behind the VitaminDWiki website posted this link for me on 21 January 2017, by 21 July, readers have downloaded 2440 copies.  You can also scan the following QR code with your smart phone and it will download a pdf copy of the treatment protocol to your phone.  The QR Scanner app is free.  It takes less than 10 seconds to download and install.




The supplements I take are illustrated in the following photo:


I buy these supplements by brand at Costco to get the best price.  You can also find them at Walmart and most supermarkets or you can order them from amazon.com.  That's where I buy the Super K with Advanced K2 Complex.

The following table provides a breakdown by supplement and dose.


In addition to the anti-inflammatory regimen, some migraineurs have found adding Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) helps speed up the migraine pain free response.

Take care and please keep us posted.


V/R, Batch

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It looks like the easiest thing to try, are you promoting this idea on migraine forums as well?

When I was searching for alternative migraine treatment , most of them were :MG, fever few, butter bur extract, and sometimes O2 was mentioned, and some oils, some aroma-therapy

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Hey John,


Thanks for the reply...  I'm confident this regimen is an effective migraine preventative...  and yes, I've made a similar post on Migraine.com... but no response as yet.  What's also interesting is oxygen therapy with hyperventilation is also an effective migraine abortive...


There have been several studies done using oxygen therapy as a migraine abortive and all failed to produce meaningful/significant results... The reason these studies failed is they used an oxygen flow rate of 7 to 9 liters/minute per Dr. Kudrow.  Huffing and puffing 100% oxygen at 25 to 40 liters/minute stops a migraine about as fast as it stops a cluster headache...  The down-side of this method of oxygen therapy is the migraine will return after the effects of hyperventilation wear off (30 minutes to an hour) unless the migraineur is also taking vitamin D3 plus the cofactors...


Take care and please keep me posted.


V/R, Batch

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