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Newbie - help needed


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Hi all,

Long time lurker on this board, sorry haven't introduced myself yet but will do so soon along with my story and observations/theory (as teaser already - diet change has been a major improvement)

-Before I do this, I would really appreciate if someone can already help me with guidance re: busting in western Europe.

I am male and in my mid 30s, this is my 4th episode. It worries me majorly that this time it drags on since over 2 months and doesn't go away. Usually I just had a couple weeks and it was gone. Not this time. I am well equipped with a good neurologist, O2, verap, Zomig, magnesium etc. O2 works fine. D3 regimen -or any of the cofactors- did worsen the situation for me but again more on that in my full story later.

Still, it took over my life at this point and I will consider busting now I have a couple of other physical problems and I just can't take this anymore on top of everything else. I am highly desperate and problem is I don't have any idea how to get started. 

Can someone from Western Europe please shoot me PM or guide me to a user you know of in my region I could contact with some questions ? that would be highly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance 





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I'm in the US but I wanted to say welcome to the board, and good luck! I know we have a few users in Europe, and I'm sure someone would be happy to help you.

Make sure you read, read, read. All of the files have tons of good information. I hope you find someone to guide you! <3

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Hi Arichimeds and welcome!
A lot of people like you did show up in the last month on this site. Most of them already having very positive results. As Pixie-elf said read, read and read even more on this site. As logged in user you have more access to the really valuable information. Never the less personal contact is too a big plus.

But, after you reading the files, being more up to date, you will get great assistance from people here by asking and even more important explaining the steps you are planing to do.
For example: Did you know, quite a lot of people report more severe attacks when starting D3 regime (and on other techniques)? But very fast they do become active and frequency and intensity improve great.

And: Verapamil/Isoptin in europe. 900mg/day needed to be effective. This is proven to us. Neurologist not specialized for cluster heads don´t know.

The problem talking to only one person, relying only on source: You never will get everything, probably missing something important just because it is proven to us cluster headache is not cluster headache.

So we are all cluster heads or heavy involved and here are some very experienced ones even with scientific background :) (ps: not me!) 
I know, here you find some people, being eager kicking you out of your cycle.

PS: Busting is quite complex and having this crowd of knowledge is a game changer

I'm pretty sure in a while or so I reading you saying: "Live is great again". Please be open minded and give it a try. Es lohnt sich tatsächlich!

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Thanks for the warm welcome !

Such a great community here, literally in each post so much support and open discussion this is awesome. 

I did a lot of web research and reading already and feel pretty well informed, it comes more down to being completely lost in which direction to start looking to get a hold of what's needed for busting. I don't know anyone personally so probably need to look around the interwebs. Not sure thats the best approach though.

Regarding D3, that was not a good experience for me personally. Kicking me from 1ch per evening into 8 severe atracks each hour per night. Same day I stopped the 7 day 50k loading I went back to 1 - 2 max. Yes I have spoken with batch on that one.

Looking at the positive results and all biochemical links this makes a lot of sense to me but might just not work for me due to other underlying conditions. I heavily reaserach into that topic and see various specialists to separate things checked up.

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