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powder vitamin d

big j

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been reading up on vitamin d and that the powdered d doesn't work as well as the oil based. my ch have been well controlled on d but recently I had been lowering my dose and I had switched to powered d pills and I started getting headaches again, cant be sure if the powder was the problem but I wont be using it anymore. just a fyi and no expert but at about the same price I wont risk it 

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Hi big j...I am hoping you will hear from someone with WAY more knowledge on Vit D than I EVER will have...

...meanwhile...trust your instincts...clusterheads tend to have a much more refined "feeling" about their body and its functions than most others...

...different forms of the exact same med or supplement can have TOTALLY different efficacy.....perhaps due to differing blood serum levels...or how/how much absorbed..

...different forms are absorbed differently by the body...some directly to bloodstream (like sub-lingual or IV)... some through stomach or small or large intestine....some directly affected by the surrounding ingestions (e.g oil soluble vitamins are absorbed better when accompanied by oil containing foods)

.....seniors and alcohol abusers tend to have deficient levels of B12 (my belief this deficiency rivals the near universal VitD deficiency)....it may not  be absorbed well by the gut...sublingual/injectable frequently work betta than tablets....

....in my case...extended release verapamil was totally worthless.... while immediate release proved about 70% effective

...this is a large subject...alas...I can only touch the surface....



PS....to add...NEVER crush or chew a med or supplement without specific instruction from a knowledgeable professional...it changes intended absorption characteristics...as described above



Edited by jon019
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