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Dallas Denny

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Hell has officially froze over and the pigs are a flyin or I have died and gone to heaven!!  Medical Marijuana is now legal in Okieland!!  As a Medicare recipient my license fee is $20 for 2 years to have 6 adult plants and 6 seedlings, 3 oz in my possession out n about, 8 oz possession at home, 1 oz of concentrates in your possession, and 72 oz's of edibles!! Yee Fecking Haw!!!!


Dallas Denny 

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They are FINALLY starting to look at changing the classification of medical cannabis in the UK. Most of the current government is against it, but there is a lot of pressure from something like 80% of the population. 

Here's typical British irony. The UK is the biggest producer & exporter of Medical Marijuana, but it is illegal here in the UK. British Sugar produces 75% of the cannabis exported from the UK. The husband of the UK Drugs Minister, Victoria Atkins MP, has a 45 acre farm that produces cannabis for export, but she won't legalise it in the UK. The general understanding is that she's being paid off by the alcohol companies. 

The government insists it has no medical benefit and people only want it legalised so they can get high. (well, duh!) This is despite countless reports saying it is the least dangerous drug on the streets, including alcohol! 

It beggars belief.


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