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Continuing Education Course/Section


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Hey Ex_Spud,

The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and American Headache Society (AHS) both list CME programs focused on primary headache, (they cover Diagnosis and Standards of Care with recommended treatments for cluster and migraine headache).  These CME courses should be available to neurologists and headache specialists in every state.

Take care,

V/R, Batch


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Thanks Batch,

It's amazing from reading posts, how many neuros need more CH info.  I would think those courses would cover CH pretty well?  I'm wondering if there is a condensed version anywhere that helps a non-headache specialist recognize that a patient probably has CH, so that they could refer them to a neuro.  I'm thinking 5 minutes in a required core course (if there is such a thing) that would describe the unique symptoms.  It could advise the student to refer the patient to a neuro AND prescribe O2 on the spot!


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