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Insomnia while on Vitamin D3 regiment?

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I was wondering if anyone experienced not being able to sleep well after starting the D3 regiment?  I realize that tossing and turning all night is way preferable to having episodes. I've only had one CH since starting the D3 regiment 2 years ago. I'm so thankful for it. Sometimes I miss days of taking ny pills or even a week or two and start having shadows and it reminds me to starts again. I've noticed this time around that after taking the vitamins (I started taking it in the morning) that I toss and turn all night, but then I'll go a few days without taking my pills and I sleep *slightly* better. Also, melatonin doesn't really work with me. Anyone else notice a change in sleep patterns after starting/being on the Vitamin D3 regiment? 

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Years ago I got my D3 levels up looking for a treatment for another affliction.  I eventually developed severe insomnia, so I quit taking D3, but my insomnia remained.  My insomnia was caused by a bad work situation plus "sinus pain" waking me up through the night.

I've been on the D3 regimin for 5 months now.  Try taking your magnesium about 1 1/2 hours before bedtime.  It helps with sleep.

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I checked the online survey database of 300 CHers...  No comments about insomnia.  In fact, most comments about sleep indicated it was better with vitamin D3.

Dr. Stasha Gominak recommends a good vitamin B complex tablet daily to help with sleep.  I've met her... She's the real thing.  https://drgominak.com/

What are your sleep patterns?  Do you take naps during the day?  Do you feel rested when you get up?

Take care,

V/R, Batch

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Thanks Batch! That's what I was looking for. I'm trying to eliminate things since I can't pinpoint the issue. I do not wake up feeling rested and I toss and turn all night. When I wake up in the morning, I can clearly remember waking up and turning over a dozen times in the night accompanied with short periods of not being able to fall back asleep. I'm not stressed or worried or anxious about anything in particular. Our life right now is actually quite fulfilling and satisfying. I will continue my vitamin D3 regiment and look elsewhere for the culprit to my restless sleep. In the meantime, I always tell myself, at least you're not getting headaches! :-) 

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Most modern digital cameras have both low light and time lapse video functions.  Set up a camera pointed at you with these functions enabled at bedtime.  You might find something.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch

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