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Newbie Here:Dr.'s think prescribingO2=smokingcrack


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Hi to all,

I've been having CH since 2000. I have been in remission since January of 2009 until Oct 12th 2010. Longest ever by FAR. Anyways, I have been taking relpax 40mg more the most part. I have between 1 (at least at 2am after I fall asleep) to 4 CH each day. Relpax stopped working altogether this cycle. I have been on a mission to get Oxygen in my household. Literally when I told my primary care dr. that I have tried, calcium blockers, anti-seizure meds, ssri's,pain killers, imatrex, etc etc and the only thing I haven't tried is botox in the optical nerve (w/c i won't do), anti psychotics, lithium and oxygen, she laughed and told me that it wasn't an option....and that I would have to go to emergency room.

Thank the F'n lord I have a really dear friend that's a doctor. He is writing me a script for 02 today. I found a local place here that i can get the equipment from...so I think I'm good. My point is/ question is, why are doctors SO IGNORANT about Cluster Headaches? Why do they want to give us pills when 85% of the people that use oxygen to abort the CH are successful? I have been treated like a drug addict when asking for f'n oxygen. I could have gotten ANY painkiller (w/c doesn't even work) I would ask for...like Oxys and Vicodins...but Not Pure oxygen? WTF. What a backwards ass world we live in.

Jeff From New Orleans

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I could have gotten ANY painkiller (w/c doesn't even work) I would ask for...like Oxys and Vicodins...but Not Pure oxygen? WTF. What a backwards ass world we live in.

True Dat.

Endless frustration and pain is why I and many others are here.  Welcome!

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if the mask they give u is insufficient there are a few things that can be done, cheapo style to improve its effectiveness

if it has holes on the side u can cover with your thumb so u are breathing pure o2 and no outside air,

with lpm below 10 u may empty the bag quickly, i have heard of people rigging a gallon size freezer bag on their mask for a bigger resivoir 

and of course if it has strap on it to fix it to your face, u may want to think of cutting them off, so you dont fall asleep with it on

O2 is a life saver and it will be your new best friend!

good luck and pf wishes


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