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Ending cycle


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My cycle started October 13th Right before Christmas I  Getting shadow headaches for a couple days then I was getting nothing I was just wondering the temperature in the northeast went from below freezing to in the forties how they are back in full force more painful than ever is anyone else having this problem my oxygen isnt even helping  I'm backup to 3 to 4 night

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Scott -- Sorry that's happening and really unable to answer you main question.  I did want to mention that when oxygen level in a tank gets lower, it can become ineffective unless you increase the flow rate (or change to a new tank).  Just thinking that might be a reason why your O2 isn't helping you right now.  Hope it might help.

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The weather change will bring on what I call 'rogue' hits. Falling barometric pressure brings them on for me. But it is not a cycle beginning for me - just a rogue hit. 

Are you grabbing some caffeine when you get a hit? Drinking it down before you hit the O2 can really help with aborting one. Just slam one down fast as you head for the O2! And I second CHF's mention of a low tank being an issue at times. It seems like you just can't get enough for a full abort on occasion when the tank is low on O2.

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