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New CH site


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Hi All, I decided at the beginning of the year, during a particularly difficult time for me with ongoing hits, that I needed to do a little more to help the ch cause. What is missing for me is a sort of "ch library" that covers the bases of both traditional and non-traditional approaches. I spent a week or so playing with a WIKI environment to see what I could come up with and actually was able to develop what I think is a pretty good site (I'm an IT guy so took to it like a fish to water).

I included an information library and an area for "cluster diaries," individual experiences with diagnosis, meds, doctors, other treatments, etc. I also included a chat area and a bulletin board. Frankly I was reluctant to add the bulletin board since it may seem to duplicate the ones here, but in the end I felt it made it a more complete WIKI.

By all means, my intent is to enhance the ability of the community, not to detract from the existing phenomenal value of clusterbusters. In fact, I will do everything I can at the site to point in this direction.

The site is planned to go live at the end of the month, but for all intents and purposes, it's online now. Please do check it out at www.clusterheadacheinfo.org

I certainly plan to stick around here. -Chris

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Beautiful job, Chris!!!!  The recently-updated ClusterBusters links page (http://www.clusterbusters.com/links1.htm) seems to contain some material that's not presently in your InfoBase. Guess I could add those links myself, but I feel like right now this is your space, and you might not want it cluttered up by others.

I just have one suggestion. I'm constantly taken aback by how many CH sufferers don't have proper oxygen setups. And so I'm just wondering whether there's a way to highlight oxygen (maybe, for example, by having it as a separate item in your infobase list)?

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CHFather, on the site I included what's called a Tag Cloud. What that provides is a visual representation of terms used most often in the content. If you click on any term in the cloud, a list of all related documents comes right up. Oxygen is a heavily used term and is easily seen in the "cloud". -Chris

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