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Inflamation help

Sue mcdonald

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Ive used msm last 20 years for asthma along w inhalers. Rly cuts down on inhaler need. Its supposed to be potent anti.inflamatory. i can take as much as i need, whenever i need it. U have to titrate it up sliwly to get bld levels cant start out taking too much. I also use flex free ( i use horse supps)  which has manganese n other stuff. Started using manganese back in begin 70s for shin splints. Kinda knew then my body was different, was using hi prot by then too.

Started w horse supps because i had it. Had mare w thin soles did lotta injections nav bursas, coffin bones, pastern jnts, hocks.hocks.hocks. sigh.. so expensive n i was so broke then... so tried supps n msm was magic cure for daughter's mare. So i just had it. Ive seen it said if ure dulfa senditive? Dont use it& ive seen it said if sulfa problematic? U can use it anyways... 

Using too much? (Doesnt seem to exist for me ;) can cause ha's and gi upsets.



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I find this interesting, appreciate the insight, and this has popped up on my radar before. Regarding the oxidative stress that it purports to reduce, my approach would be to target the offenders first: sugar, simple carbs, low concentrations of EPA/DHA/Omega 3, Vitamin D, and of course the key trace minerals and micronutrients.

Without a hair analysis, which I can't afford, I am pissing in the wind. It creates expensive urine when you take a bunch of supplements to treat nutrient deficiencies that may not exist. And I create the paradox because I hate all the nutrient-dense vegetables. Go figure.

Regarding the MSM, I am still interested in short-term prophylaxis. It appears to be a reasonably priced option to reduce inflammation. As with nutrients, it would be futile if you don't repair the leaky gut, as well as eradicate sugar and eliminate processed foods and bad carbs. 

I found it interesting that MSM can reduce parasites (benefit), and improve intestinal health (benefit). Regarding it being a free radical scavenger and its role in nitric oxide, my knee-jerk reaction was proper Vitamin C saturation. And not Vitamin C from ascorbic acid, rose hips, and so forth. Some supplements provide the true form of Vitamin C and your last name needs to be Rothschild to afford it. 

All the evidence looks great; however, there is only a paucity of data, small sample sizes, and most research stopped by 2003. There are scattered studies, but zero clinical trials since 2003. What is more, I did what I can recall from meta-analysis and none of the studies or clinical trials did a lab draw on homocysteine levels. If it works then why eliminate a simple lab test? That is its purported benefit and after combing through over 50 publications, not one had a homocysteine level, and the paucity of data was concerning. 

To be fair, there isn't money in curing someone. The fact that research stopped tells me the opposite of what an untrained eye would surmise. Most likely, it works damn well and they (you know who) attempted a brilliant cover-up.

There is one way to find out, do a baseline homocysteine draw and follow up every three months while taking a starter dose of 1 gram. If the results aren't promising, double down. Most studies included Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which I don't even know a naturopath pushing nutraceuticals to their brother would recommend. That gives the age of the publication. They proved that Glucosamine and Chondroitin are all placebo. 

I would suggest a trial run of 1gram of MSM, with Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega (2800mg of EPA/DHA Omega 3 Nemechek protocol approved), Garden of Life Raw Code Vitamin D3 (5,000 IU), Garden of Life Chewable Digestive Enzymes, Garden of Life Raw Organic Perfect Food Green SuperFood, Garden of Life Perfect Food Super Green Formula Berry (5 servings of fruits and vegetables), Garden of Life My Kind (Women if a Woman and age range), or Garden of Life My Kind Men's Multi (Age and Man if a Man), the multi is $60 but is all plant-based the only on the market, it is two months thus $30 a month (a steal), Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw C, Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Mood+ Acidophilus (buy the refrigerated), Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Whole Food Magnesium raspberry or orange powder (this is pure 350mg of plant based you will absorb all and not poop it all out), Life Extensions Only Trace Minerals. Cost per month $116.20 + my grocery bill of under $200= $300 to $315 for a sane and balanced nutrient dense diet. It is working. And I eat all organic.

Note on Fe (Iron): incontrovertibly women have this issue and I have no clue on what supplement to recommend. I use a regional egg brand called Eggland’s Best which is loaded with all natural Vitamin E, Over 500mg of Omega 3, and about 65% of my RDA in iron. I also consume 4 large of said brands eggs each day, with a serving or two of cheese. I do avoid margarine and trans fats. Butter I will use occasionally.  My total cholesterol is 170, screw the 90s myth that eggs and butter are terrible. Eggs are a perfect food and organic butter is fine. That nasty shit they call Country Crock will kill you fast.

For lunch, it is a can of low-sodium organic beans, which is loaded with fiber. I am far less concerned about taste than protein count. Some beans exceed 30 grams (you can’t process that much in one setting). I strive for under 15 grams of protein. I eat a few servings of veggies, and nothing fancy. I don’t count calories or carbs. That isn’t necessary if you avoid sugar, starch, simple carbs, and bad fats.

If my tummy growls, nothing scientific I eat something that isn’t simple carb loaded. Even I realize that you need carbs. Don’t ask, but even I strive for the RDA with complex carbs. KISS (keep it simple stupid). 

I eat one organic yard bird (chicken breast) with Olive Oil and fresh herbs every night, nothing fancy. If I do feel tired and instead of calorie counting I add cheese, and find whole foods to add. And with each meal I consume a 7 gram all natural fiber that I forgot to add in. I struggle but manage to consume about 2 servings of veggies with dinner, frozen, to hell with chopping and to hell with carb counting, are you nuts?

If hungry in between I eat pistachios. But only one serving. 

My lab draws are the best that they have been in decades, but I am still a train wreck waiting to happen. The damage that I did to my body may be beyond repair. Jen Sais Pas. Time will do. I do know that my migraine days are down to once, at most twice per month, and I was intractable. Concerning Cluster Headaches, I was intractable and I think it has been two months since my last bad bout. And usually it is one and done.

Im euthymic after a 7 year, and several should have been fatal run with mental health and borderline addiction.  I have a long way in that department but I don’t recall being this stable since childhood, pre-puberty. There is still a shitload of CBT work to learn how to be around people, make these things called friends, and things like that.

My C reactive is down substantially, most inflammatory markers are drastically reduced, and I am now at the point that I need to see a functional NP and have a hair analysis to figure out the exhaustion. If I could figure that out, I could return to university and get on with my life. Ultimately come off disability.

You have to take quality supplements, I mean whole plant based and few exist. Also, you must eliminate everything that you would buy in the supermarket. If you pay attention, all the healthy stuff is way in the back or in the most inconvenient places. And with COVID, I don’t have issues with groceries because everyone purchases chips, pop, bread, ie, grains, cereals, starches, sugars, etc.

If it is empty at Harris Teeter, Wegmans, Target Greatlands, you should not be eating it. I would suggest that you skip the theatrical performances and shop at Trader Joe’s compared to its sister company it is much cheaper and the quality of people is much better. Respectfully, shopping at Aldi is even worse than dealing with people at Wal Mart. 

Much of the novelty treatments don’t seem necessary if you address the underlying cause.

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