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First Post; Hi Ya'll


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There are no true strangers, only friends and family we haven't yet met.

Sooooooo.......  Hiya Friends and family!

First post from this head banger.

Short history; Had first cluster cycle in 1990 @ 32 years old. Was doing re-mod work in a 110 year old farmhouse and got the HA's every day at 4:30 (quittin time)  I figured it was somehow related to exposure to stuff in the walls that had not seen the light of day in a 100 years. My GP put me on Vicodin, WHEEEE, not a really great idea for a recovering drug addict but ya'll know the desperation associated with this beast. Best as I can recall the cycle lasted a couple months.  Had no clue and no answers, but hey, the beast went away eventually.

    I had no further "visits" till Dec of 1999. Yup, about 9 years. This time I had insurance and saw a brain doc at the M.I.N.D. Institute in Farmington Hills Mi.  If I recall it was then I got the CH diagnosis but I do not recall any extended care or meds.  Vague memory of Imitrex ( oral).

    June of 2009 was my next cycle.  At this point internet opened a whole new vista to me! I started to learn ( but was prob 2/3 into my 2 month cycle) I happened to be working at a friends house whose daughter was a college student in the Ann Arbor Mi area.  Hmmmmmm, "mushrooms may be helpful and Im in college town!"  Concerns over dosage and getting "high" resulted in less than ideal utilization of the small quantity I had come by.  But impact seemed to be made, my HA's "changed" character for a couple weeks and then stopped.  This may have just been the natural end of my cycle anyway.

   By this time I had ordered spores and growing medium but since I was no longer suffering and concerned about the legalities I just put everything in a closet. Also I figured I had at least 8 years of freedom coming.

   I finally pitched it all about 3 weeks ago, promptly got a nasty cold and along with it a NEW CYCLE....... 7.5 years early!

   So here I am to join the fray.

  I have noticed quite a few "changes" since the beginning of the 09 cycle. Time of day shifts. Multiple HA'S in one day. And additional areas of pain (sometimes) like lower left back of head to neck.  I swear its almost like these things have a freakin nasty trickster personality! ( I could SO identify and laugh at the Devil "poem",,,, perfect!)

Just as the intensity of individual HA's started to increase (2 weeks into this cycle) I tried the water treatment. And at first it was just water at onset. My God it worked!.........  for a "minute" I thought the cycle may have actually been breaking but....... maybe not.

   So, thats my overview story. I,m stickin to it!  lol

   At this point I am inserting what notes I have kept this cycle so far and some really loose notes from the 09 cycle................

...... Old Notes written in 2009.............

cycles of aprox 2 months began in 1990, again in 99/2000, and now am 6 weeks into current cycle.  Symptoms of individual headaches are classic CH. At beginning of THIS cycle they were "alarm clock", once a day, quite severe after the second week.  In weeks 4-6 time of day has changed numerous times as has regularity/ predictibility of intensity. Also have developed multiple CH per day varying from 2-3, usually in aprox 2 hour intervals to 6 a day at same intervals. Pain is centered left side temple , behind eye with radiating pain in occipital area and down left side of neck. Minor wet nose. Somewhat less minor droopy eyelid and light sensitivity. Watery eye.

Cluster Headache notes for cycle beginning 1-10-2011


CH cycle began 1-10-11 in conjunction with a bad cold.  I thought the HA’s were associated with the cold but noticed that some of the symptoms were CH like. (Location left side temple.  Onset very quick. Cessation very quick)  The first week they were “daily” but very mild and quick (5Min).  Almost not noticeable over the misery of the cold symptoms.

Week two HA’s were nightly and singular Mon, Tues Weds..(1-17,18,19) Still  short, 5-10 min, and low intensity (2-3 KIPS ) Up to this point HA’s were centered in left temple area, extending to forehead over left eye.  Up to this point simply rubbing head was enough relief.

  (1-20) Thursday night/Friday am ….. Had a series of 4 HA’s every two hours from 130 am – 730 am.  Duration 5-10 min.  Intensity =  #1 (4)  #2 (4)   #3 (3)  #4 (3) 

Pain beginning to include lower left side of head coupled with tightness in upper neck muscles in same area.  Increasing focus of sharp pain behind   left eye

Sat 1-22-11

     730 am      KIP (5)  7 min pre symptom. dull, constant  increasing ache.10 min full. ( sharper pain with some stabbing) 

Treatment-  ice pack. Motrin

     ice treatment relief , 5 on 1-10 scale of effectiveness

     Note.  I recall getting to a point 2/3 to ¾ thru last (09) cycle where ice became aggravating rather than helpful

Sat 1-22

     11am        KIP (5)  7 min pre symptom . dull, constant  increasing ache.10 min full. ( sharper pain with some stabbing)   18 min total

Treatment-  ice pack.

     ice treatment relief , 5 on 1-10 scale of effectiveness

Sat 1-22

     130 pm        KIP (5)  5 min pre symptom . dull, constant  increasing ache. 8 min full. ( sharper pain with some stabbing)   15 min total

Treatment-  ice pack.

     Ice treatment relief, 6 on 1-10 scale of effectiveness

Sat  1-22

330 pm            KIP (6)  5 min pre symptom . dull, constant  increasing ache.

     10 min   full. ( sharper and deeper pain with some stabbing)   15 min total

Treatment-  ice pack.

     Ice treatment relief, 4 on 1-10 scale of effectiveness

Sun 1-23

4am Water, 1, 14 oz glass (drunk at first sign) aborts HA at approx 7-10 min,

max kip ( 4)

10am  Water, 1, 14 oz glass aborts HA at approx 7-10 min, max kip ( 4)

Mon 1-24

2am       kip 4             

415am   kip4

715am  kip ( 4)                                     Water continuing to work!

945am  kip (4)

     515 pm kip 4

Drinking 14-16 oz tap water pretty much hourlyÂ…Â…Â…Â….

PF night!!

Tuesday 1-25

Starting to think that perhaps a miracle has occurred.  HA free…..

     Woke from nap with shadow onset at 415 pm

           Water and 5-7 min ice, kip 4 , HA aborted

Wed 1-26

     3am Oh,,, a corker! Musta slept a little longer into this one.

     Water but not quick relief this time. Ice,,, Still wound up to a kip 6 but only 12 min till its over

     515am  Tonights are dif,  VERY fast ramp up.  Much more pain lower back head area.  Ice is starting to aggravate.  Water not working. Pain level up and down 5-7, over 2-3 min periods

     This one got to kip7 fast for 20 min then backed off to a strong shadow Kip  (4)  12 min   40 min total time

     730 pain  back to eye/temple area—water. Ice K4 quickie  10-15 min TG

     10am both areas, 75% left eye temple—water, ice k5, 15 min


I know, this all looks way too familiar if not outright boring........  but I am desperate and of course SCARED.  My fear is based on experience.....

My GF is trying to obtain a 02 mask, a friend has supplied tanks and regulator (15L  max)............. the guy at the med supply house mentioned a concern about embolism (?) at such high rates???? Feedback on this??

Trusting in God and using basic spiritual principles from 12 step recovery helps a lot.

How the hell do I get through all the pain of a cycle of CH's?

How bout One Day at a Time....... One HA at a time........ One MINUTE at a time.  I just keep reminding myself I can get thru then next minute of this, and This WILL pass..... It helps to not get wrapped in the terror of "how long will this go on?" How bad will the next one be?  etc.

So, we may suffer together BUT we do rejoice together as well.  And I choose to hold on to the reality that joy is infinitely more powerful than suffering.

I am hoping to make connections with any other head bangers in the Detroit Metro area.

God Bless Ya'll

jeffrey ;)

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Hi Jeffrey, and welcome!

BTW, great post. 

Have you tried energy drinks?  They work for many as an abortive.  Just make sure that they have at least 1000 mg taurine.  This may be a great help until you get your oxygen set up.

Others will be along with advice.  Hang in there.


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Hi and welcome to the board of the damned :) ...that's my favorite opener.

You must get a non rebreather mask for your oxygen set up. Go to menu on the lefthand side of the screen and go to oxygen page. An opti2mask is the only way to go.

We are all here to help you any way we can.


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Welcome!  I'm so sorry your having such a rough time.  You've come to the right place for support to  cope with the pain and the whirlwind of emotions that accompany CH's.  Reading through the various articles and experiences posted on this site has saved my sanity.  Okay...it's almost saved my sanity.  I have a teenager and a tween, so we all know I've got to be just a little nuts.   ;)

02 is certainly your best next step.  If your gf didn't already locate a mask, I highly suggest ordering the opti2mask as was mentioned.  They ship quickly - I had mine within just a few days after placing the order.

I've never had any run in's with 02 being dangerous.  I've used it as an abort for around 11 years or so.  Back when I had the standard non-re breather mask, I would occasionally  fall asleep with the 02 on.  It would make me upset for wasting a tank of 02, but I never had any health issues from it.    

Keep us posted on how you're doing!

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Went to bed with pretty heavy shadow last night. Figured I MAY get an hour before the rude awakening.  In reality it was 15 min. So I had a 2 am, 5am, 7am and 830am.  Im still hitting em with water, ice and prayer.  Currently they all are around a k5-6 and thankfully fairly short duration 15-30 min.

The O2 mask did not appear yesterday. The supply house was out of stock. But it should be here today. Just a reg non-rebreather. I guess the guy at the store said something about "high flow rate tubing" too. Anyone know about this?

I had a problem getting logged back in yesterday. Not sure if its resolved or not, but I just went back to my registration email and got back in that way. Stayin logged in for now.

A friend in Ann Arbor is hoping top track down some PS mush for me today or tomorrow.

LaST time I dosed (09) I think I split up 2g over 9 days.  I did a light initial hit then 2 more. My CH did not go away immediately but they did lighten up and after 4-5 more days the cycle ended. That MAY have just been the natural end of the cycle ( I was just past 2 months).

I am under the impression that best results may generate from a good initial hit (2-3.5g) and subsequent doses need at LEAST 4-5 days "rest period" between.

Anyway, it was a lousy night for sleep but Im alive, hopeful and in touch with my God.  Not yet sure WHY I am going thru rather than averting this illness, but then I don't have His perspective.  I KNOW that good things often proceed from "bad" circumstances and am fully persuaded that HOPE is not a futile venture!

God Bless Ya'll


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Hi Jeffrey, and welcome!

BTW, great post. 

Have you tried energy drinks?  They work for many as an abortive.  Just make sure that they have at least 1000 mg taurine.  This may be a great help until you get your oxygen set up.

I have not tried energy drinks yet. Coffee yes.  And MY coffee is pretty potent! ;D

My concern with the "Red Bull" is that I may end up getting NO sleep all night!

Also, at this point water, ice and dark are getting me thru ok. K4-7 and fairly short duration (15-30 min) Crank things up ONE more notch and Pat is on her way to the store for me tho :)

Thanks for the tips. Taurine it may soon be !

Others will be along with advice.  Hang in there.


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hey new guy.there is a delete button if you want to delete a post. Allyoop had to point that out to me...thanks Ally.

I don't think anyone has mentioned "triggers".

Staw away from alcohol for sure...there are many other triggers that vary from person to person. Alcohol is a trigger for everybody here except for Bonkers son Michael. I think in a small way we are jealous of Michael, but in other ways we are not :o


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I am a recovered alcoholic/addict. So thankfully THATS not an issue for me.  I can't identify any other potential triggers other than smoking. And I was NOT a smoker nor drinker etc. when I had my first cycle back in 90/91......... The beast seems to have a mind of its own

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Hi Jeff,

There's a lot of info about your HAs and effective ways treat them that you should bring yourself up to speed on. Go to the Forum Jump at the bottom of the page and scroll down to ClusterBuster Files. Spend as much time as you can there. You'll be glad you did. Good luck. We're here to help.


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thanks ron and chris,

forgive the no caps. i have one hand holding the ice bag :)

ron, i am reading all i can. great stuff in abundance. almost inspires me to get back into '' pharmaceutical" research  ;)

and indole structure takes me back to high school chemistry, but then i did blow up the lab one day...... my former life of "better living thru pharmaceuticals" didnt end up so great either!

but in all seriousness for me recovery is really about being spiritually fit, and if i am dosing with anything for the right reasons i dont have to fear "relapsing". i have seen posts where people have said some of their dosing bordered on or crossed to recreational highs....... i cannot safely cross THAT line, and do need to be careful that i am accountable to my best friends and sponsor. i COULD justify a 4-5 g dose cause the pain is so bad, but thats what it would be, rationalization. 

well i think ive killed the pre sleep shadows tonite. Im gonna hit the pillow and see how much time the beast lets me sleep.

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You don't need to "trip" in order to "bust," but you should notice some difference, at least visually, a couple of hours after you dose. There's no other way to be certain of the quality of your busting materials. For most people, 1-1/2g-2.0g of high-quality, "cracker dry" shrooms is sufficient.

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LOL  everyone I know is either straight or in recovery............ BUT it is amazing how resourceful one can get when in massive pain.   As a friend once said 'To God and philosophy we make great promises but TO PAIN WE OBEY".

So I have two sources working to obtain my "meds".  I hope (realistically) to be able to dose by Sun or Mon.  Which will be a good thing.  I am 3 weeks into the cycle and intensity, duration and shadows are all increasing.

I O2'd finally last night BUT the mask the supplier sent home is NOT a non-rebreather although the receipt says it is.  I burned a whole 645 L tank in two CH's. And it didnt work so well.  Ive never seen or used one but I KNEW that it wasnt right when I saw no one way flaps.  My paint respirators have em and I knew I was suckin air with o2. 

I ordered the mask from our store here and will "modify" this piece of crap for tonight.

Thanks everybody for your support.  I actually feel like a bit of a whiner knowing that many here are far worse hit than I.

Ill be prayin for all of us!!


PS.... Last two nights Ive been getting heavy shadows 1-2 hours before sleep time.  Is this common?

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The shadows and their timing will vary greatly from person to person.

How high does your O2 regulator go?  You need at minimum 12 to 15 lpm. 

You were wise to order the Opti2mask.  It will make a huge difference.  Until you get it, you might try sucking 02 straight from the tank.  That will assure that you get pure oxygen.  Just turn the valve on and off with each breath.   I know one person who prefers this method, and has used it for years.


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wow........... TG4O2!! and great friends who will bring fresh tanks over at 1 in the am!

Had a 3am and 5am fast moving k7 yhat turned around in 5-7 min and gone in 15 total.

Now if my other peeps manifest shrooms today..............


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Jeffrey, Make sure you let some of your friends and sponsor know what you're up to and why. You'll likely need some support because it will give you a pretty decent high even if sub-hallucinogenic. Hate to see you slip off the wagon trying to fix your ch. Here's a good set of videos that explain what ch is if you need to educate them:


and a good document about psilo



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Thanks Chris,,,

Being both an open book and a teacher by  (new) nature, These issues have already been addressed.

As I mentioned earlier, I am not really concerned about inducing a "relapse" by busting.  I believe that as long as I am spiritually fit, plugged into Gods will, and doing the right thing all will remain as it should.  Grace is abundant. Grace to deal with CH as well as grace to protect thru course of busting.

I will of course keep ya'll updated here.

Bless Ya'll

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How high does your O2 regulator go?You need at minimum 12 to 15 lpm.

You were wise to order the Opti2mask.It will make a huge difference.Until you get it, you might try sucking 02 straight from the tank.That will assure that you get pure oxygen.Just turn the valve on and off with each breath. I know one person who prefers this method, and has used it for years.

.............  I modified the re-breather by putting my own "custom flaps" in.  It works ok.  My Optimask should be here by 3 pm today.

The regulator I have goes up to 15.  Burns through a 645 L tank pretty quickly tho.  I did the math and it says about 45 min per tank.  Which in fact is what Ive gotten.  But so far thats covered 3-4 CH's at best.  Can I expect more efficient use with the new mask?

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Hi Jeffrey,

Psilocybin/hallucinogens are not generally addictive. Of course I can say this having never had a problem with addiction. Be aware that you may need to take doses as high as 3-4 gms. to get results. Mileage varies for everyone. Hope you get properly set up with O2 soon. That's always been a miracle drug for me. Good luck

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