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A Quick Look at Some of Clusterbusters’ Historical Landmarks

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Busters Blog

A Quick Look at Some of Clusterbusters’ Historical Landmarks

Our community was built on a message board.

Clusterbusters was officially formed as a registered non-profit.

A written agreement is signed with Harvard University to undertake a clinical study of cluster headaches and psilocybin.

Our first Clusterbusters Conference is held in Chicago.
Also, Harvard and Clusterbusters publish the first study using psychedelics for cluster headache. (First psychedelic study at Harvard in over 40 years)

The writers of House, MD uses Clusterbusters’ work to inform an episode highlighting cluster headache.

A Clusterbusters study at Yale using LSA seeds to treat clusters is completed and published.

A Clusterbusters study at Yale University using Kudzu as a treatment for cluster headache is completed and published.
Dan Ervin and Clusterbusters are featured in a National Geographic Documentary. His family is filmed during a cluster episode using his treatment of choice.

Clusterbusters Clinical Research Study on the effectiveness of BOL-148 (non-hallucinogenic) is completed at Hannover Medical School in Germany.

Clusterbusters visits SAMSHA in Washington DC and Clusterbusters writes a training manual for Suicide Prevention operators.
This is also the first year Clusterbusters attended Headache on the Hill in DC along with the AHDA to increase headache research funding.

The first Clusterbusters Medication Use Survey is completed and published. (Schindler, Gottschalk, Shapiro, Weil & Wright)

On August 3rd, 2017, patient number 1 is treated with psilocybin to treat their cluster headaches at Yale University as the first FDA-approved study of its kind for clusters. This is a groundbreaking study by Dr. Emmanuelle Schindler.

With the help of Clusterbusters, the GammaCore device is finally approved for cluster headaches in the USA after approval in Europe several years prior.

In June, the FDA approved Eli Lilly’s Emgality for cluster headaches. They worked closely with Clusterbusters to complete this cluster study. This is the first in history, a phase-3 FDA-approved clinical study and approval for cluster headaches.

Results of our Oxygen Study published in 2020 by Dr. Burish and Dr. Schor prove to be the final evidence required by CMS to force them to reverse their non-coverage determination for Medicare to cover oxygen, ending a 10-year struggle.

Ainslie Course is invited to do a presentation to the Prime Minister and members of parliament at the Houses of Parliament in London on living with CH and having to go underground and break the law to medicate with psilocybin. Boris Johnson signs new legislative changes.

In March, the first results of the Yale study with psilocybin and cluster headaches are published. This was the finalization of the work that began at Harvard in 2002.

Our first International Conference is held in Glasgow.
In August, a follow-up Schindler clinical study of psilocybin and migraine is published showing significant efficacy rates.

A year end report will be posted here on our blog with all the major accomplishments during 2024. It was a busy year.

Bob Wold
