Volunteer Opportunities

Support Group Moderators
We would like to continue our Zoom support group offerings that we piloted at the end of April, but we will need people who are skilled at therapy or support group moderation to help us with a weekly, biweekly, or monthly commitment to a group day and time. If this is something you are able to do, please email us at info@clusterbusters.org with a brief biography and your availability.

Conference Planning/Technology
With the current state of the world, we will be planning both an in person event and an online event for our annual patient conference simultaneously. Even if we can meet in person, some of our speakers may be unable to come in person. We will need a team of dedicated assistants who are familiar with online meeting applications and moderation to assist with these plans. If you are able, please email us at conference@clusterbusters.org.

Retail/Online Sales
We have an increasing demand for Clusterbusters branded gear and would like to set up an online shop. We will need someone to help with logistics and maintenance of this project. If you have experience with such a project and are willing to donate time, please email us at info@clusterbusters.org.

Regional Group Coordination
We would like to expand our regional group outreach once we can meet in person again. If you are interested in forming a regional group or if you already have one and would like more support and materials from Clusterbusters, please email us at info@clusterbusters.org.
If you would like to volunteer, but are not interested in these opportunities, please fill out this form and we will contact you when future projects arise for which your skills are a fit. Thank you so much for your interest in supporting Clusterbusters!
Volunteer Form
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