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anthony g

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Everything posted by anthony g

  1. Hey all Im going to try the rc seeds tonight for the first time. I just have a question I will start with 40 seeds im going to grind them in a peeper grinder and soak them for 2 hrs can u guys tell me how much water i soak them in? Thanks Anthony
  2. has anyone had successful busting while on verapamil? I am on 360 mg a day of verap and busted on sat nite i feel ok but wondering if i should try stopping verap and bust? thanks all Anthony
  3. Here is an interesting article in the huffington post sent to me by a friend read if u have time Anthony David Moye David Moye Become a fan of this reporter GET UPDATES FROM David Like 738 Hurricane Irene Could Sprout Bumper Crop Of Magic Mushrooms Hurricane Irene Mushrooms First Posted: 8/27/11 11:43 AM ET Updated: 8/27/11 11:45 AM ET React Amazing Inspiring Funny Scary Hot Crazy Important Weird Read more 'Shrooms , Casey Simon , Clark Heinrich , Dr. Suneil Jain , Magic Mushrooms , Hallucinogenic Drugs , Hurricane Irene , Naturopathy , Statin Drugs , Weird News share this story 10,200 482 304 Get Weird News Alerts Sign Up Submit this story Everyone knows the potential destructive power of hurricanes, but few people are aware that storms like Hurricane Irene encourage growth of psychedelic mushrooms. Yes, it sounds trippy, but one of the strange aftermaths of a hurricane is an increased amount of mushrooms popping up -- especially the psilocybin -- or "magic" kind -- the ones that cause hallucinations. According to Dr. Casey Simon, an addiction expert based in Orange County, Calif., hurricanes create the perfect climactic conditions for the mushrooms to grow. "Mushrooms are spores and they multiply in moisture and are spread by wind," he told HuffPost Weird News. Dr. Suneil Jain, a naturopathic physician in Scottsdale, Ariz., goes even further. "The moisture, humidity, the wind and the temperature during hurricanes is the perfect climate for mushrooms," he told HuffPost Weird News. "Also, both hurricanes and mushroom growth are associated with new or full moons, so there may be a lunar element as well." Jain says, generally, psychedelic mushrooms are noted by their bluish-gray stems, but stresses that many mushrooms can be toxic and ones picked in the wild should not be consumed unless they've been examined by an expert. However, despite the hallucinogenic effects, he says that magic mushrooms are relatively safe. "These substances have been used for centuries, with just a handful of cases of addiction, or long-term problems," he said. "Generally, they are fairly benign." Recent studies by Johns Hopkins University suggest psilocybin mushrooms may have medical benefits, and Jain is one of those who believes the findings could have a positive impact on humanity. "There is evidence that it can help in treating OCD, body dismorphia issues and even marital problems," he said. Simon says the real danger of the mushrooms isn't the psilocybin. "Some mushrooms can attract a fungus that makes them more toxic," he said. "It looks like a gray mold on the under side. Just a few differences in temperature can make a difference." Jain says that's why experienced mushroom experts pick mushrooms when they are as fresh as possible. "The optimal time to pick is right after the storm before the other elements can affect them," he said. Still, the news that the whole East Coast of the U.S. could soon be awash in 'shrooms is bound to get every hippie worth his hemp sandals and hacky sack on the hunt for a new high. Mushrooms are likely to pop up in locations where bark is used for decorative landscaping, like industrial parks and government offices, according to ethnobotanist Clark Heinrich It's important to emphasize that wild mushrooms -- both mind-altering or not -- should not be consumed willy nilly, but Jain hopes to use the fact that so many potentially medicinal mushrooms will soon be popping up all over the East Coast as a way to raise a discussion about an aspect of the medical-pharmaceutical industry he doesn't like. "There are a lot of medicinal plants that [have health benefits]," he said. "For instance, the main ingredient in statin drugs comes from red yeast rice. But instead of focusing on the plants that can heal, medical science tries to find the active ingredient, change it slightly and then market that so they can charge a lot." "Besides that, singling out one ingredient in the plant, like psilocybin, doesn't take into account that everything in the plant, and that they all work together."
  4. Hey all Just wanted to share something interesting. With allergy season upon us here in nyc I took a benadryl last night about 2 hrs before sleep. I have had shadows with breakthrough headaches since my last cycle back in dec 09 that lasted till may 2010. I noticed that about an hour after taking the benadryl I didnt have shadows? Just seem's too far fetched to even imagine that the benadryl actually took the shadows away? trust me I am not complaining I guess just looking for some input. Thanks all PFW"S Anthony
  5. Hey all i have question about licorice root. I started the licorice root extract about a week ago 30 drops 3x's a day . I wanted to know do i have to do less as time goes on ? Is there a protocol? Thanks Anthony
  6. Hey All I would love to get some input on the licorice root extract.Anyone with experience as to how much to do, when they take it, can it help as prevent, does it take shadow's away ect Thanks PFW'S all Anthony
  7. Nicely said Kyle! For sure there is hope! It is what it is for sure ,but we all need to put up a good fight and eventually WIN! Anthony
  8. hey all where do i find info on conference?
  9. very intersting thread to me. I have had shadows since my last and second cycle ever back in dec 09 which lasted till late apr 10. the right side (cluster side) of my head has not felt the same since that cycle. Some days the "shadows" are more intense than others but still not feeling a "normal head for all that time is not fun! I am actually "busting" tomorrow evening for the 1st time to see what happens. I too am a bit leary and dont want to rock the boat but at the same time I feel the need to give it a try. Will definitely keep u all posted. wish me luck Anthony
  10. ps when i stared the pred taper I also started verap. I up to 280 a day and I have been in contact with pinkfloyd and he tells me that it would be ok to try the rc seed while on verap. thank all Anthony
  11. Hello all I received my rc seeds yesterday and I am thinking of busting this evening after work for the 1st time. I just wanted some feedback and input from experienced people. Do you think its a good idea to do it in the evening or do u think its better in the day? I am thinking of starting with 25 seeds and see how it goes. I am pretty much chronic since I have had "shadows" since my last cycle back in dec 09 (my second cycle ever) and I have never had a "normal feeling right side of my head (cluster side) since. My shadows have increased about a month ago and took 10 day pred taper and been off the pred for a week and now the shadows are back with slight jabs in my head and thought it would be a great time to try the seed's. I would appreciate feedback and any input would be awesome since im understandably a bit nervous. Thanks all Anthony
  12. Hey all i got my rc seeds delivered today I have never busted before and would like some input as to what anyone has on what I should start with (how many seed's and any other input you all might want to share! Thanks Anthony
  13. anthony g


    Hey all I would love to chat with someone in nyc area that has busted before. I never did it YET and would be cool to talk with someone close need to take the next step thanks Anthony
  14. Hey all I am looking to purchase rc seeds online. Im new to the "busting " approach and have been pretty chronic for a year and a half. I found a place online called shamans garden exotic botanicals that sells them 50 seeds -7.99 100seeds-12.99 500 seed-49.99 does that seem aabout right? If anyone has another place to order from that would be great and look forward to any input thanks Anthony
  15. brew thanks I just messaged u on clusterheadaches.com before i read this Thank u my friend Anthony
  16. Hello Im kind of new to this site been here last year along with clusterheadaches.com when I was in cycle dec 09 till may 10. My head has not felt the same since my last cycle (2nd cycle ever in 11 yrs) so sorta new to the whole thing. After my cycle from dec09 till around end of april still having what we call "shadows" my specialist diagnosed me with hermicranina continua" which is simialr to cluster's. Now that I moved back from fla to nyc in march I found my new specialist here and was treating mefor hermicrainia with indomethicin which is the # 1 line prevent the indo stopped workin and now I am diagnosed with clusters. I have been on a pred taper for 8 days now almost finished started verapamil so we will see. No real pain as of yet just the usual righ side (cluster side) annoyance :-/ I am very interested in trying mushrooms and have not a clue as to how to approach it dosing ect. I can get my hands on some but would love some support and input as to how to approach it. I know i have to stop my verap for 2 weeks or so but thats all i know. Input would be awesome look forward to hearing from u all! PFW's all thanks Anthony
  17. hey all question any one hear that when in a cycle that sun glare can trigger an episode? anthony
  18. interesting u ask that! I had that exact feeling all day today! like a level 2 almost as if i was going to have a full blown attack! i tried monster drink but nothing seemed to take it away until i layed down and closed my eyes for a bit (not asleep) that always worries me to nap in the day! so any input would be great!
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