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  1. I've been asked recently about Callicious, a clusterhead who died in Oct. People thought it was me due to the similar name, and his email address was J C Allison, to close for comfort! I've been writing, but this person wrote Erotica, which is not my genre. I've not been on the board for quite a while, so I'm not aware of all who've been here. His son has been pushing clusterbusters in his emails to readers, of which two have forwarded me the emails. Whoever he was, condolences to his family, although according to his son, they don't know who he was either! I'm not trying to out the guy, but I wanted to be certain I was not mistaken for him as I'm very alive and well. I do hope some of his readership do consider clusterbusters in any memorials they wish to make! The still very much alive, Jerry
  2. Bruce Sewick from the College of Dupage, one of the speakers at the Cluster Busters convention, will be teaching an online course on Psychadelics as Medicine in March of 2014. If you are interested you can contact him at www.brucesewick.com Jerry
  3. Norwegian chocolate is wonderful! I love it. Personally I like almost any type of cheese, but usually the stronger the better. Melted cheese on Pizza is good, but I'd much rather sit down with crackers and a good Bleu! Jerry
  4. Callico


    Hi Giselle, You did it! Glad to see you. Jerry
  5. I have the dates blocked out in my calendar. Ron, I'm looking forward to meeting you and Michael next year. I believe I owe you a big one. Jerry
  6. Thanks so much for being there for us. I didn't seem to get to meet you personally, just a quick hello in passing, but you are appreciated more than you have any idea. The fact that a non clusterhead is willing to spend his time around such a messed up crazy group as we are says a lot about you. However, having been blessed by associating with other of Dr Schor's students I knew you would be great long before I ever got there. Here's hoping to actually get acquainted with you in Vegas. Jerry
  7. I desperately wish I could have been there for the convention. Bob, I've heard nothing but good about your presentation, and I thank you for presenting it. I had hoped to be able to see you again there, but I'll have to wait for the CB convention. Since it is only about 45 minutes away I'd be crazy to miss it. Jerry
  8. Larry, I'm excited that you are bringing some of your students along. The ones you took to the OUCH convention last year were really great, and I think they learned a lot as well. I'm looking forward to meeting these as well. Jerry
  9. Kaboom, Good point about Clusterbusters being a 501 © (3). That had always been one of the reasons given for OUCH to stay clear of the busing side, but along with that is the ties that it has had in the past with "legitimate" medical folks. Obviously the tax reason doesn't hold up. I wasn't trying to be disingenuous in my answer. That was just the reason I've heard for the last however many years and I didn't really think about it. Many of us at OUCH are very much in support of what is being done here. As to Dr. Goadsby, six years ago shrooms were very much on the "way out there" treatment considered by most medical people alongside Sinusbuster, tin foil hats, and other stuff like that. There has been enough recognized research into the use of psychoactive remedies to bring it much more mainstream. Last year at OUCH Dr. Goadsby's remarks were much more along the line of he could not recommend such a practice due to its legality. I'm paraphrasing, not putting words in his mouth. I know this year he is very interested in talking with Bob, in fact he may stay over a day if he can arrange his schedule so he'll be there for Bob's talk. Jerry
  10. Thanks Bejeeber! OUCH indeed is appreciative of the work done on the Clusterbuster side, and would encourage its continued work. As a 501©3 organization OUCH cannot come out and directly endorse the use of illegal substances, but that does not mean we don't recognize the great work that has been done, and we are very excited about the work being done on BOL. May I suggest OUCH could use some participation by busters? We have a number of areas that are terribly undermanned. (I'm understating!) I know some here are also members of OUCH, and that is appreciated. We have had some of the Board of Directors step down for varied reasons, primarily of health or family matters, and we could use some to step up and be willing to serve on the board. This could be beneficial to both organizations. We would not be looking for a great time commitment. There are a few committees that are unmanned, with needed work being left undone. If you don't feel you could serve on the BoD we would love to have some help in some other areas as well. If you have any interest or would like to see where you could fit in I'd be happy to talk with you. Jerry
  11. Michael, I've been out of the loop for a while, but you have not been out of my prayers. You and your Dad are two of the best friends I have, although I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting you. I look forward to the day I finally get to meet a young man that I have learned to respect more than about any one else I know. You are in my prayers, and I know the answer is there for you. Jerry
  12. Just a word of warning about emailing the judge. He will find it to be tampering with the process and can even bring contempt charges against those who email him trying to sway his judgement, especially if the language used is abusive or can be deemed threatening. Emailing the prosecutor (persecutor?) might be effective. Jerry
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