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Everything posted by defectiv

  1. i will be meeting with somepeople versed in psychopharmacology in the near future and we intend to discuss amongst other things the off label use of Nuedexta. which falls in nicely with this post. ill keep everyone posted on the results.
  2. ya. thats were im at. i was taking the cymbalta with imitrex with no issue. but stopped before i started busting. actually stopped right before that due to running out and not being able to refill it. oh well. ill keep digging and post anymore links i find here.
  3. no clue where the smiley came from??
  4. i have always found simillar when sick. but with just a cold i can get hit harder. if not in a cycle it will increase from minor to major hits daily. if in cycle it seems to cause the cluster to remain at a high kip for extended periods. like all day sometimes.
  5. a little late to the thread here but i ram across this page that has a huge amount of info on anti-depresents and the common busting meds. (also all other substances as well) http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/108959-Antidepressants-and-Recreational-Drugs-(long!)?s=2181281da58fcdbc428e0637a91ebd47 i myself was wondering about cymbalta. can you perhaps give anymore feedback on your use of busting meds with it? thank you in advance steve
  6. i have long thought this administration was just in the cartels pocket. this and the wholesale reversal of the we won't go after sick people and there meds.. ya unless the Cartels are loosing enough money to put the squeeze on our current leaders disgusting stuff all around -
  7. 30 yr old male - Migraines @ 12yrs old, Chronic Head pain @ 15yrs old turned Chronic CH @ 27yrs old. Family history of Chronic Migraine and Episodic Cluster on one side and Very Trigger based Migraines on the other side.. No injuries or surgeries prior to head pains and only one minor surgery since (a nerve ablation that did not work) Started smoking cigs and weed in my early 20's. Drank regularly until the Chronic Cluster started at which point alcohol became a trigger although very slowly started w/ dark beers and progressed to all of it. Otherwise never sick was more active before the Cluster but still don't just sit around. my piece anyway
  8. I have tried all the major add/adhd drugs in my search for CH relief and i found that it does seem to help the pain perception but i don't know about overall reduction or prevention... and after it all i settled on 80mg adderall xr 40 b.i.d. i do have add so i suppose that may play into it all as well
  9. was offered similar still feel good i turned it down
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