I’m an Emgality fail. Started cycle in October. Got in right away for the two free 120 mg Emgality, Depakote, Prednisone burst and o2. HA’s stopped within a week. I’ve had that happen before with prednisone. At this point I’m still on the fence as to Emgality. Next month I pay $600 for the 3-100mg. shots. Still no HA’s. I’m optimistic. 3 weeks later HA’s are back with a vengeance. A week later I pay $600 for another round of Emgality and it did nothing. HA’s continued to get worse.. up to 8 a day/night. Sleep is a big trigger for me. Even O2 had a hard time aborting the attacks. The only good news is, after a month of pure terror, I should start winding down this cycle. I want my freakin’ $1200 back because Emgality didn’t do shit. It was the Prednisone that gave me the initial relief and O2 got me through the peak period. Bummer. I had high hopes for that stuff. Another failed treatment.