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  1. Thanks pal it's driving me fucken nuts how you doing Spiny? Man when my head is as fuzzy as this I'm finding it tough to put into words what I need to ask. Realise my post 6 months ago is pretty much same but it's the same pain add chronic fibromyalgia has been wearing me down heavily recently having little energy to fill in disability forms I've had for months or to get on here to ask the right questions.Gotta keep looking brother what you think?
  2. Hi Gary happy new year to you also.
  3. Hi to all and happy new year. Can anyone give me any advise on Cymbalta im finding it realy helps with my fibromyalgia but it goes for my head pretty much straight off raises the pain. Has anyone got any experience with this? I'm thinking if I release it slower into my body it could help. I'm feeling good enough today to get active on this and it would be good if anyone has any ideas. Love to you all and keep up the brilliant work you do
  4. gartozi


    Brilliant news pal that's a result good job well done mate
  5. I like the idea Moxie who Is going to help us other than each other I think we would need a tremendouse amount of help from all but it could be done. I myself would love to help count me in
  6. Yes thanks I will try that one tomorrow myself and cheers Tonievo I'm not too bad right now brother but finding some relieve would be good I think my shadows been far too shadowy I thought this was normal you know it would be great to meet another clusterhead- you guys and someone mentioned a UK conference , would be a godsend too speake and learne from each other
  7. Cheers guys I'm ok for 02 got that sorted a year ago when I found you guys. The shadow thing appears that my shadow has very rarely if at all left me since I busted cycle 16 months ago? Add the latest headache and I'm sure you guys will see that I'm trying to work it all out and I'm sure with some help I will get there. I will try the 02 and see where that takes me bud thanks
  8. Thanks for the input Moxie,Domino much appreciated I can try the busting again without meds I have not done that for some time as for last year it's been small preventive. Als o I was wanting to ask would 02 help with my chronic headache? Can't seem to move it at all. The headache feels like a screw in top of my skull that is too tight, have noticed that I don't most of the time feel it in morning untill I stand up. Most times i can deal with it but it can get realy ache I have tried sput and red bull which was working for me at first, this is why I thought it was only CH up untill my neurologist informed me of other chronic headache. Every day is a school day for us guys and just when I thought I knew what I was doing as well. I'm gonna stay positive and send my love to you all from Bonnie Scotland
  9. Hi to everyone was hoping for some advice from you guys I busted a 7 month cycle which was my worst ever the longest before was 70 days and is coming every 3 years. My problem is I have had headache since and have been told I have another chronic headache. It has been more than a year so at my last appiontment my neurologist told me I had chronic headache which has not been defined yet My problem is that I thought it was was CH and have been taking preventive dose every month for about 16 months. So I'm wondering do I lengthen space in between? The beast is still around and to be honest I thought that it was what everyone calls the shadow.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.The doses are small and can vary from paper to mm. I have had CH for 27 years and also fibromyalgia. On a brighter note our beloved PinkFloyd have a new album out its on right now but not too loud!Â
  10. Hey Paul glad you finally got here pal was nice to talk with you and I know it's difficult to access internet now you are here the guys and girls can give you the info you need Hang in there brother you are doing realy good and this can change your life. Can I just ask everyone to help Paul his circumstances are very difficult thanks guys
  11. Hey Toni, just to let you know I contacted address but have not had a reply from lad who was needing help left a message the same day I seen message. Anyway hope he is ok and got some aid. Was hoping someone knows how he is
  12. gartozi

    Back Pain

    Thanks buddy I'll check it out could do with some help with the back and shoulders thing many thanks Canuck
  13. gartozi

    Back Pain

    Canuck sorry my first post and I messed it up spelling your good name wrong apology buddy
  14. gartozi

    Back Pain

    Hi Canuke I fit that bill please tell what meds brother.
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