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  1. A terrible loss to the cluster community. Rest in peace, Andrew. Thank you for all your hard work.
  2. nani


    Never mind...the AHMA Facebook page shows Teri Robert as an admin. Teri's been advocating for a long time.
  3. nani


    I am finding it difficult to ascertain who/what the AHMA is...a website, with many requests for donations, no board of directors or leadership listed...putting a link to ACHE (using Dr Sheftel's name) where it appears to be part of the title...Can anyone tell me about it? This org seemed to just pop out of nowhere, unless I totally missed the good it allegedly does... hugs, nani the cynic
  4. nani


    I have seen this here and all over Facebook since yesterday. Rest in pain free peace, Melissa. :'( This is indeed very sad, and I don't wish to suggest that one non profit, advocacy and research org is better than another. However, if I had money to donate, I think I would choose Clusterbusters, because of the tremendous progress made over the last few years. If I had more than enough to donate, I would choose both.Â
  5. The worst part of this drama is that "dr" Do, who is quite mentally ill, dragged her personal drama into all of our lives by ruthless attention and sympathy seeking. She effectively split this community in half and her supporters were rude and hateful to our Bob. And he, bless his ginormous heart, was the first to warn us about her. Many of us doubted that there actually was a Daniel, but none of us could have seen this level of tragedy coming. RIP Daniel.
  6. I dunno, Bob...I get what you're saying, but if it weren't for discussion of alternatives in the first place, there would be no Clusterbusters. We have no published data on waterx3, or kudzu, or O2 with demand valves (that I know of anyway), but they can be effective for some. Just sayin'... Last time I was really involved in CB (I know, I'm sorry that I've had to back off a bit), kudzu was considered a buster treatment, in that it was alternative, had some anecdotal evidence of effectiveness, and data was in the early stages of being gathered by Andrew. All that said, I still think the traditional buster methods are the best and most effective. For me, anyway. Love you guys...
  7. LOL, Ben. That's hilarious. Kudzu and I must have a lot in common. You can't get completely rid of me, either. And, Pete...my bum is a gorgeous as ever, thankyouverymuch.  Go have a f*g, willya? (lol filtered...but you know what I mean) Thank you both for the wishes. LYG, nani
  8. I saw a post about kudzu on the other board, and wondered... "Hey, I wonder whats going on with kudzu?" And then I wondered "Is Andrew still collecting data on it? Is there more data on it? Is it still a CB treatment?" Sorry I've been absent for so long. Life continues to be a spiritually challenging roller coaster ride and my attention span is still very tiny...but I am still in remission, think of all of you everyday, and love you all to pieces. :-*
  9. I'll be sending a couple of things. Since I won't be able to be there to strong arm anyone... :'( Y'all better bid high and bid often!
  10. I am very pleased to see that Bob and Clusterbusters are finally getting the respect and recognition they deserve. Personally, I know of no one else that devotes so much of his own time and money to helping sufferers. He is my hero. Kudos to the new OUCH BoD and of course, to Bob and Clusterbusters.
  11. nani


    Hey Jeannie, good to see you here. I had success with busting even though I was still on verapamil. Those seeds pack some powerful fiber, LOL. (so does kudzu, BTW)
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