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ThatHurtsMyHead last won the day on November 12 2022

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    Tampa, FL

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  1. Hi "ThatHurtsMyHead"
    I'm new here, been a CH sufferer since 1983, only properly diagnosed about 4 years ago. Yes really. 30 years.

    Anyway, the reason I'm writing on your feed - I was reading in another post that you were in the military and were misdiagnosed. As was I. I was a communications specialist in the Army (Microwave communications - often speculated about cause and effect, but that's another story).

    I had my first attack in the military. It was without a doubt the worst attack I've ever had, so much so the barracks CQ had me sent to the base hospital. There, they didn't seem to know what to do, so they gave me an injection of Demerol, and sent me on my way. It worked, but then you could've hacked my arm off with a grapefruit spoon at that point, and I wouldn't have felt it. 

    No doctor ever got past the the basics. Hell, I didn't even start putting the symptoms together for a few years. There wasn't an internet then, so not a lot of information available to the average lay person. 

    My question to you - did you ever get a disability rating from the VA? All these years later, I'm being told by several friends I should go file. But other than the possible existence of admission records from the base hospital, I have no real record of this being a problem while I was in. Due to a death in the family while I was out-processing, my paperwork was rushed, and I kind of got screwed on a lot of stuff. 

    I'd appreciate any help or advice you can offer. 

    P.S. - I'm now maintaining well with Sumatriptan auto injectors. My corporate insurance plan only deems it necessary to give me a dozen every 3 months, so I make sure to get the refills even when I'm off cycle, so I can stock up. I'll be looking into "busting" after doing a LOT more research. 

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