WHEN I TOLD MY NEURO.I had been on a 4 month cycle,it was my 6th appointment in a month and a half.she could see in my face something had changed for the better,on my previous visit she had said that I was looking terrible. I said "you think" Ive had 3 hours sleep in 10 days. and then she jammed some needles into the base of my skull. 10 days later I was back, the second she walked in,she looked at me and stated "wow, you look great!!" . I thanked her. And said..... I know how I broke my 4 month cycle! she asked if it was the meds she had me on,and I proudly said, no...In fact I'm off of them! I broke them with magic! she questioned me "Magic?" I proudly and with vigor said yes, magic mushrooms! She asked again what kind of mushrooms, and I answered in clinical speech.She paused a moment and then said..... "I can no longer treat you...... I'm not going to loose my license because of you.!" I too took a moment due to shock and responded, your kidding right! you didn't prescribe them, you didn't suggest them,you apparently haven't even heard of them. I have only told you about them and what worked for me so , I can continue to live, out of pain... at least for a while and not entertain some of the thoughts that had previously entered my mind,when in the depression of constant debilitating,excruciating pain and stress. I then proceeded to tell her that, I was in doubt she could loose her license,just because I choose to treat myself, and under Doctor-patient privilege I was pretty Damn sure she couldn't. I then told her I respected her decision , and wished her luck in trying to help the next poor bastard that walked into her office to just be filled with all the meds she could throw at him or her and not help him or her live a relatively pain free existence,and to be a zombie for the remainder of there life ,if they could handle the pain and not just disappear one day, due to the depression or pain. and walked out. a few days later i received a very official letter of patient termination