This isnt fair
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When I was on the Imitrex, was the worst I had ever been. At first I thought it was a miracle drug. then after my 9th or 10th time aborting in a months time,My Ch were getting even worse lasting longer and hitting harder and way more frequent.After the injections I would hit a kip 10 every time. I decided to get away from Imitrex, finally my cycle broke.  Next cycle I avoided Imitrex and it was really hard not to give in for the immediate pain reduction. the CH were still brutal but they didn't get higher than a Kip 8, (as we all know a Kip 8 compared to a Kip10 is a walk in the park on a sunny day)..I'm 4 yrs no Imitrex and I haven't had another 10. I get 8s a lot, but no 10s. Dont get me wrong ,8s will push most of us to our knees. But if you ever had a 10 you will welcome 8s all day long.
have you tried o2? read the clusterbusters files section. lots of options and most work well, at least enough to make that " path " not a option anymore. I know were you are right now and I was there as well. I was out of options, then I found this place, it saved my life!!!!
Welcome. And your not crazy!These will bring you down , but that's over now. You found the right place. the info here will help like nothing you have yet tried. It works, I was on the edge literally, cluster-busters brought me back and now I'm able to function and have my life back.               READ READ READ. Info is your friend ,ask if your not sure. the best group of people you will ever meet, are right here! And they are willing to help anyway they can.I need to add ,I will too....... pain free wishes!! o2 saves me for the night attacks. most of the time. knocks it down from a 4-5 hr attack to a 20 min attack
Nicely done! PF wishes, from me as well!!!!
Who offers the finest RC seeds in the land?
This isnt fair replied to Bejeeber's topic in General Board
Kaboom. Even though you don't have a comparison , how do you feel ? or do you need more time to see if they worked? -
I know a lot of us have one, but there are some who don't. I am starting to have a problem with my Ins. carrier. So, I went to my local welding supply place, talked with the guy there and wound up with the biggest tank I have ever seen. It is Aviation o2. Yup, for pilots!  Not that there is any difference.    Dang tank took two of us to carry it in. cost was minimal,38 dollars and some change, included was the first month rental of tank= 8.00 a month.This thing should last awhile. Its just short of 5 feet tall and almost 30 inches around   Just thought I would put this out here for anybody who visits and needs o2. Pain free wishes for everyone!!!!
I have to chime in and say,THANK YOU!! I have been lucky enough to find the ClusterBusters and the people here are the best. You guys and gals are by far the nicest, most caring, understanding, and concerned group of individuals I have ever had the opportunity to meet. No one judges,discredits,makes light of any bodys condition. (unlike most of the doctors I had been to) Everyone here wants to help each other,conquer the torture we suffer.I have gotten more help here in less than a month, than I did with 6 yrs of doctors. I personally, was close to loosing it all together. Thankfully, I found you and learned I'm not the only one living with this. Life can go on and with a huge reduction in pain and severity.I cant thank you all enough, (saved me) and I am sure my son would thank you as well .THANK YOU... Adam
I hope and pray your hubby gets a break from this hell. I have to say, You trully are a ANGEL. A lot of people would of cut and run. Mine did. There are some wonderful people out here, and I thank all of them for being strong enough to stick in there!!!!! PF Wishes!!
HOLY CRAP!!!!! The fact they state post traumatic stress,traumas and CH, says just the opposite!! How could it NOT affect your life. He should,have a law suit brought against him. After all ,some of our armed services get disability for post traumatic stress.  I hope someone can step in and educate that ignorant educated dumb ass.
Im a few miles south of Chicago.
No..... Im not sure, Im pretty new here.
Yes, yes I am. And I'm very nerveous.
Well, I tried busting last night and I am praying it worked. I was about three hours in and got hit, it was right at my normal time [within 15 or 20 min] it was a milder hit, prob only a 5,hit the o2 for 20 min ,knocked it out. And then within a hour, I was asleep. I managed to get around 3 to 3.5 hrs of uninterrupted sleep, I was due and feel pretty darn good right now. I hope this worked.I am out of ammo,it was a small bust.about 1.5g but mostly stalks,powder and a couple caps. the last couple attempts this month had no success. Thanks for everyone here and your support! Well off to work. Have a good day!         Thanks,  Adam
Thanks Psiloscribe, well that concludes that part of it. And a thanks to you AgentOrange, I have to agree on the Monster drink at least as far as taste goes.
I read, that someone was on low flow [4 liters] and was able to sleep all night.meaning they slept with o2 running all night. Opinions please. think it might work, or am I gonna waste ammo for the monster?        Also, which works better, Monster energy drink or red bull. Thanks,in advance.
Well, last night was brutal! The norm is, at 1:20am it hits,start the o2 and in about 20 min or so, knock it down from a 8 to a 3. 20 ,min later same routine, back to a 8-hit the 02 ,20 min and back to a 3. well this goes on till about 5:30am......... Well last night got hit with my normal 8,But really early. starting around10 pm. hit the o2- nothing no relief! actually went up to a 9,added ice packs ,slammed a red bull hit the o2 again.Nothing!!! stayed a 9.By midnight I was in tears praying for it to stop. on the o2 every 10 min. finally around 2:30 dropped to a 6. stayed like that till about 5:30 am,no matter what I tried,nothing no reduction. all of a sudden around 6:10 gone. Whew! this is were it gets odd. I closed my eyes in relief and exhaustion, The light show started, started seeing neon purple- neon blue puffs of smoke forming (for lack of better explanation) inside my eye lids,they were swirling a wisping and growing larger and larger and then they would kind of (pop) and disappear followed by more over and over, after about 10 mins I opened my eyes , and heard myself mumble out loud that was kind of cool.followed by a little giggle. Its odd how I can go from pure agony for hours on end, and wind up letting out a little giggle. However, I sure am glad the night is over. I swear, I would never ever ever ,wish this hell on anybody, ever!
I too could use one of those gov. grants.
Just got my mask today. Got it from the store here. I wish I had gotten it 6 yrs ago. WOW, I don't know how I even came close to surviving this long without it. Made all the difference in the world. Today it knocked down my abort times by half. I WANT TO GIVE A BIG THANKS TO YOU... DJ. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
my nose doesnt burn, however it is like I have 2 giant corks shoved in them.
I printed a crap load of the letter explanation. Thanks brew!!!! I had started the business before my clusters started, this is a tough gig when the heads gonna explode, when I'm out of cycle its the best business in the world as far as I'm concerned
Thanks Brew, That might help a few of them get a little idea of what we endure!
I don't actually expect people to get the severity or even a slight grasp of whats really going on. I try not to even say anything to anybody about it at all, however I do get asked whats wrong? I guess they can see it in my face. those are the times I lightly mention its a medical issue. At that point about a third ask what it is, then I have no choice to touch on the fact its head related, then half of that third ,ask further,that's when I have to say clusters ,That's when it gets frustrating, because those are the ones who KNOW and give advice on migraines and to go lay down etc etc.. I WANT to answer by saying , REALLY!!!!!!!!!! TRY POURING SULFURIC ACID ON YOUR HEAD AND POKE OUT YOUR EYE WITH A SCREAMING HOT METAL POKER, AND HAVE ALL YOUR TEETH ON ONE SIDE, HAVE ROOT CANALS WITH NO ANTHESIA!  ALL WHILE TRYING NOT TO SCARE YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!! but I don't, I just kind of look at them like, gee why didn't I think of that, say good idea and leave it at that.
Hi folks. Just wondering how all of you out here in torture land try and tell or explain, to everybody else that sees you when you been having a cycle,and they say, wow you look tired or you look not so good. Etc... whats you response.and do they get it? Or do you get the same reaction and answer I do. 'Oh ya ...I get those." I know damn well they have no clue.I try and smile and let it go, :-X but they look back at me like I'm the biggest baby and cant handle a headache, or a druggie on a binge. I own and operate a pet motel and deal with people all day, and the bags under my eyes, droopy eye lid on right side and stuffed nose makes it look like I'm on the nose junk.I imagine it doesn't look good to them. I'm still in cycle and have to work everyday. I am thanking my lucky stars, that there pets have a blast here !they go home happy,health and safe, and are eager to come back. So I have to assume the customers are looking past my droopy eye, bags and stuffed nose.