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any advice? no sleep, living nightmare.
started to develop a small cold last night, got hit before bed, slept through the night after the oxygen brought me out of it. woke up this morning and felt a heavy shadow, turned into a nasty morning zinger that i killed with oxygen again, but i've been stuffed up all day and had a little cough, and have been shadowing really, really hard all day. i consider myself the luckiest CH sufferer, as i only get hit every other day and usually only once at night after i fall asleep. but ive had to use my o2 like five times in teh past 24 hours and have been blowing my nose all day, and it hurts so bad anyone else experience a terrible time with a cold while in cycle?
interestingly enough my wake cycle has been right on time this cycle, regardless of when i go to sleep (mostly). 7:11 or 7:12 without an alarm, every day, no matter what. which i'm kind of thankful for, its something i can plan around. sometimes ill stay up too late, maybe 330 or 4, and then i will wake up with a headache around 730, so im guessing my wake cycle fires and im still all sleepy so i dont wake up so my brain is like, "oh you want to sleep more, I DONT THINK SO, here have a headache." thats my faux medical analysis, mostly based on les' knowledge.. i hope your boy is feeling better, i know how he feels! i just stopped being a student but last year i was in cycle for both semesters, and taking a nap in the library was a death sentence
im in! mostly broke but if the situation ever does present itself, I will make something happen. ive had dreams of winning the lottery (or eventually achieving HUGE SUCCESS) [lol] and starting up a CH vacation paradise... endless oxygen... a good place to detox from nasty medication a newcomer might have been prescribed... and of course treatment
i feel like this site and everyone in it makes up one giant, kick-ass doctor!
aha as luck would have it I'm moving to Cambridge.... does anyone know if Dr. Halpern needs some test subjects? Â
sooo coooool! ive been commuting between boston and vermont each week. im moving to cambridge in march ill tell my roommate to watch the news tonight!!
also, on CH being hereditary.. my dad used to rub his head on the rug as a kid because of, he says, migraines. not really CH symptoms, based on what i tell him when i have a headache. but HIS mom used to get the pain behind the eye, and eventually black out. then one day it stopped! probably not CH. but HA pollutin mah genes
hi all, ive been away for a while and never really posted much but the beast is back and this site helps me so much during the hard times I come on here and feel slightly ashamed, I seem to have it the least bad amongst everyone but it is still terrible, so i actually look up to and admire how strong each and every CH sufferer here is. you guys are amazing. I am 23 years old, the CH came into play big time when I was 21. I could remember short periods of time where I would get headaches daily, right on schedule, for about a week and then they would go away. coincidentally these periods of time are when i had decided to "quit" smoking pot for whatever reason (the reason being, actually, that I'm a total addict sounds silly i know, but i NEED the stuff, and it bothers me) but yeah, i always wrote them off as withdrawal headaches or something. but one night, i was up late, it was too hot cause my girlfriend at the time had turned the heat wayy up and added too many blankets so i tossed and turned until 4 in teh morning and then got up to smoke a big joint and read some comics on teh computer. about a hour in, i was feeling unusually stoned, much more than i was used to, and i was used to it, believe me. so i ended up having a grand mal seizure right then and there, my gf woke up and saw me stiff as a board in the computer chair sliding backwards, making terrible noises, not breathing for what she estimated was 45 seconds its not the first seizure i have had, i had one when i was 14 and smoking pot for the second time (out of tinfoil, bad boy) and then again while coming down from a recreational mushroom trip, we had gone out to a diner and had a big meal and i just seized at the end, out of nowhere, but it felt really good... it was the mushrooms, but im sure it was damaging to my head. ok back to the most recent seizure, i wrote it off as just getting very high and my brain couldnt handle it. but to my despair, every time i smoked pot ( a then daily, almost hourly activity) or drank ( a once a month thing for me then, not at ALL now) i got a headache! So I'm not sure if a seizure counts as head trauma, but if that wasnt what sent me over the edge to being an episodic sufferer, it may have been when i ski'd into a tree when i was 14, had a helmet on, hard to describe the impact, but it was knees first, which blew my hip out of the socket and cracked it in half, then my face and forhead, basically the EXACT spot i get the headaches now, right behind and above the eye.. weird stuff so i suffered through the first cycle, quitting all substances and bad foods, saw a homeopathic doctor and got some supplements from my chiropractor (nutrispec test, anyone?) and it seemed to balance out the frequency of the CH. i shadowed constantly at about a kip 2, and the headaches came every 5 days or so. very strange first cycle. second cycle was worse, headaches daily, sometimes twice, and i suffered for two months til i was able to bust with mushies. it took multiple busts, but was PF after the third week/third bust. now fast forward a year later, I had to move back home with my dad and lo and behold, the change of scenery and location gave the beast the opening it needed. but now i only get a headache nightly after falling asleep, shadow all day, and plan on busting tomorrow... the problem with this cycle is the CH left unchecked will last for over 3 hours, whereas previous headaches would last 45 mins - 1:15. I am blessed with a nice hospital that lent me a tank of oxygen til my insurance works out a good one for me, its 8L/m but it actually works. well, not last night, had to drive to the ER and sit on some 15L/m for 45 mins til i felt ok again. sorry this is so long, but i figured it would be the best place to put it. again you guys are all my ultimate champions, lets keep up the good fight... i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemies, you guys are so strong. any update on BOL-148?
i guess its true that if anyone posted a document that looked mostly legitimate, i am at the point where i would believe it just because i want it to be true.. i want to talk to my neuro about this (once i get one that isn't 80 and tells me i got CH from DOING mushrooms.) this leuprorelin does look like a magic bullet, which shouldn't exist, but i sure want it to work for me
CHfather, it looks like there were only two females, but they were present so i wouldnt rule it out for your daughter! i would be curious if they were both of the 18 that relapsed but then got better with another injection. so would this work for episodic sufferers, or just chronic. i am unsure of where they are injecting this substance, maybe its a little more involved than i think. still, curious...
im curious..
ground up some seeds this morning, at around 11 am. put them in about 2-3 oz. of water, then in the fridge. was planning to drink the mixture at around 2 pm... but something came up and i couldnt drink it. how long can i let those seeds soak? is it ok to take after 24 hours of soaking?
had a few beers last night because i just felt like it, usually way to scared to drink anything. but i went in fearless and came out pain free!!!! some funny feelings on the same side but no pain. good luck everyone, thank the lord for busting. even though im not religious.... its weird how we can say things like 'thank god' when we dont really believe in him. maybe we're just in denial
upon looking at the wiki my limited knowledge tells me it wont do anything besides make you a zombie for a while. not too long..
wow im not even sure what its structure is but... no i dont think it would work. ketamine probably works on pain receptors similar to other pain killers. its what they use to kill lab mice, they overdose them with ketamine. plus the stuff is horribly addicting... i am NOT AN EXZPERT on the subject so dont take my word for anything. if you want to try, go ahead, but my guess is it wont help much. have you used it before??? if not then dont.
anyone try it yet im excited les just to make things clear, the side effects i might experience from this are higher blood pressure and.. what exactly? its not like using the rc seed tea or mushrooms or anything right? should i wait five days in between doses of licorice root just like with the other stuff? thanks anyone try it yet?
aw man i was all pumped on this new seed stuff, had the mushrooms before. we'll see how (sunday?) goes. was gonna do them tonight but got lazy, havent been getting hit too hard just gonna bust up some lingering shadows from previous busts (which were like a month ago!, hooray)
so i know this has probably all been gone over before, but i wanted to ask really quickly people's opinions on mushrooms vs. rc seeds. i have previously busted with mushrooms, and just got some rc seeds in. waht i hate about busting with mushies is the totally MINDBENDING effects, i feel like im going to break and i dont like it. i need to relax more about it and just go with the flow but its hard.. so do rc seeds tend to send you totally out of your skull as well? from what ive read it might not be the case, but i wanted to ask. i busted with 1- 1.25 g mushies twice, both times are very profound but sub hallucenogenic. ive actually taken about 4.8 g mushies one time, purely recreational, and no hallucinations either, so.. yeah. irrelevant. but im going to take 25-30 rc seeds, i know potencies vary, blah blah, but in general, will my mind be "bent"? thanks
i just got mine from iamshaman.com but its my first time so i dont know if they're good or not!
so i bought a new sound card for my computer, and installed it today. I have been listening to the dark side of the moon for about 20-30 minutes now, and the sounds that the card paired with the headphones are mind-blowing. seriously, i havent done drugs or drank anything for months now and im sitting in my chair, playing with all the sound settings, and at times is sink back in my chair in a state i can only describe as pure euphoric bliss. just the best feeling ever. i havent gotten hit in a month or so, but im getting hit now with a kip 3 or 4. I am playing this music LOUDLY, but not enough to break them, of course. the body shivers i get from the sounds being made are better than most drugs ive taken, and im wondering if my body is reacting similar to when it ingests drugs/alch because of the happiness i feel. lol im bummed that this experience is being robbed of me by CH. damnit. its really mild compared to the real headaches ive gotten in the past, i cant complain when i think of what some of you go through, but it still gets to me. oh the sound setup i have are a pair of razer barracuda HP-1 headphones with the razer barracuda AC-1 sound card. probably a $160 package if you know where to look just wanted to share my happiness as well as my grief! pfw to all, <3
im one of those guys that listens to all experience then tries the most popular. im a statistics major in my fourth year of college, i guess i am more drawn to the highest chance of success. time to get some seeds
cool cool cool thanks
been getting shadows for a couple weeks now after cycle but no hits, at least only one or two kip 2-3's. am thankful for this but should i bust the shadows away too? dont wanna ruin a good thing by aggravating this monster with too low a dose, as when i underdose i get worse aches.
just something kind of funny I noticed today at work.. I got a "regular" headache (kind of like a mild hangover headache (without drinking the night before, of course!) on my right side forehead/temple area) and I was like 'oh cool! its been so long since a normal headache!' and i was kind of pleased with it. im not even shadowing on my left side today, i got hit yesterday after thanksgiving dinner but it hardly hurt! i had all the feelings of a hit besides the excruciating pain, it was cool. i think my cycle is wearing down after a three month escapade. yay does anyone else notice that they dont get any "normal" headaches during cycle?? maybe its just that we dont notice them because they are so small an issue.. for me at least pfw for all!