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Everything posted by Whooligun
Looks good. Where's the new logo?
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
I'll try, but like I said...this cluster has been going on for over a year, and I fear I may now be chronic. -
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
Have taken RC seeds twice, and feel like they are really trying to work. Im normally a skeptical person, but both times I woke up with the clearest head Ive had in over a year. The only problem is the crazy weather here. My CH are really affected by weather changes, and in Northern Ontario, the weather has been nuts. In a 2 week span, we've had 2 major winter storms, 2 separate periods of warm, snow melting weather, and drastic temperature changes that have been driving my head nuts. I'm still trying to track down some shrooms, but like I said I do feel like the seeds are having a positive effect. I'm off everything except for 2-4 tylenol 3's a day, which is pretty good. I really feel like as soon as the weather settles for a couple weeks, my cluster will finally come to an end. Maybe not for long, but this one has been going on for over a year, so a week off would be great. I have finals coming, and I need the clear head for school! Just wanted to say thanks again for having this site up. I really feel like it;s helped a lot, and I appreciate everyone's efforts. -
God damn republicans. Oops that was religion and politics...sorry.
Bill Maher is awesome
I tried RC seeds for the first time a couple nights ago. Had a great night's sleep, felt incredibly clear headed in the morning, but the monster came back. My CHs are affected greatly by weather patterns though, and we've been having a few storms, so I will definitely be trying more seeds in the future. I started with 50 seeds. Put them in a glass of water. Replaced all the floating seeds until they all sank. Used a mortar and pestle to grind them into a slurry. Added some water and let them sit for an hour. Sucked back the slurry with a mango juice chaser, then went outside and shovelled the driveway for 45 minutes to get the blood pumping. Came in, had a shower, then relaxed and felt my teeth floating a little bit. I was a little happy, but saw nothing, was completely with it, and the teeth thing only lasted 10 minutes. I definitely felt the seeds working, so 50 for me is a good amount. I guess if I was aiming to get a nice buzz, I'd shoot for 150-200, but I'm just trying to kill the monster. I was nervous about the seeds, but they are pretty safe and easy. If you are nervous, you can start with less than 50, but like I said, 50 was pretty tame for me. Good luck, and I'm sure you will find something that works for you. Lots of great advice and awesome people here to help.
My doctor is a nice person really. She just does everything by the book. She's more like a human vending machine for prescriptions...as long as it has been medically proven. Renee...I would love to be able to slap my doc with a nice little kip 8. Im sure she'd be more open after that.
After my new doc laughed off every non traditional method I brought up ( especially o2), I asked her what I should do then. She told me I would grow out of them. !?!?!?! I've been waiting 20 years to grow out of them and at 36 they are now chronic. I hope they eventually go away, but they are getting worse, not better. I did not swear, punch, kick or scream, but I now know where not to go for help.
Been reading your posts. We are in the same boat on a lot of things. I'll be trying seeds for the first time this week. I hope you find something that works for you. Stay stubborn, stay strong!
Brown hair all the way, but my beard has blonde, black, red and gray in it.
Thanks Ricardo, I've decided on showing that psilocybin mimics serotonin, and will just do a diagram showing how serotonin and psilocybin work side by side. There definitely is a lot of conflicting info out there, and a lot of words involved that I don't want to even bother trying to pronounce.
Fun to read as well! If it helps, there are quite a few illustrations of the hypothalamus and its connections here: Psilocybin and serotonin molecules illustrated here: http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/psilocybin/psilocybinh.htm Going to focus on the process of seretonin. Great links! A mushroom with a superman outfit on (including cape) clonking the CH beast on the head with a frying pan and knocking him out. Would make a great Saturday morning cartoon....Super Fungi!
I have to produce a scientific illustration for a graphic design class. The design must be something at the cellular level, and we were provided with a few boring suggestions. I would like to show the effects of psilocybin on cluster headaches. I will be doing major research for the next few hours, but since this forum is surrounded with experts, I thought I'd get your take on things. My idea is to draw some mushrooms on the left side of the page, show one broken down into a cellular level. On the right side, the hypothalmus (?), then in the middle draw whatever it is that makes the CH go away. Any and all advice is appreciated!
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
Great day today! Headache free after a couple big ones yesterday. Cookies Friday. Acupuncture and bartending with a loud band playing Saturday probably didnt help my head Saturday. Sunday....so far so good! Havent felt this clear in a while. Its also an unusually mild day, and I find the weather changes just kill me. So who knows what it is, but right now, I dont care. -
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
Was headache free until I was lying in the dark on the acupuncture table covered in needles. Felt a quickie stop for a visit then go...pretty weak and pretty short. I wonder if the acupuncture isn't helping. I'm not a believer, but a relative runs the clinic and I didn't have the heart to tell him I thought it was BS. -
Happy Birthday!
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
Tried one of the cookies last night. Was told to just eat half. Braced for the worst. Showered, brushed teeth, brand me socks (old rituals from high school). Ate half. Waited. Ate other half. Waited. Got tired, little headache, went to bed. Felt clear headed today though so far. We'll see, but I need to get my hands on some real fungi. Might be getting o2 today as well. -
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
Amazing! Absolutely amazing! Asked my GP about it today and she laughed it off like it was a placebo. No wonder why I'm here doing my own research. -
Graphic design student here...I'd love to help out.
A great read about fillings...read the response letter as well: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/609/are-you-being-poisoned-by-your-silver-tooth-fillings
Mercury fillings don't strike me as a good idea for dental work at all, but I think we can confidently say they're not what causes CH. How can you be so confident? I know that some people with CH have never had fillings. But I have barely started looking into fillings and have already found that: Vitamin D is the way to detox your body from Mercury. The same mercury that leaks out of the fillings, the same vitamin D that some people are finding helpful for CH attacks. The mercury in fillings is in a stable form, but is harmful as a vapor. Heat releases the vapor. I drink a lot of coffee and tea. Is that enough heat to release a small amount of poisonous gas? I just don't understand how some people can be so passionate against using fillings, and others can just dismiss it as BS. It makes perfect sense...we are putting poison in our heads and trusting that it is totally fine. If my car was acting up and I was pouring maple syrup in the gas tank, I'd probably start there.
I'm probably not the only one here who has doubted wether or not they are really cluster headaches. I think we all know we have them, but in our constant efforts to find cures or causes, we have come across a million possible reasons. Do I have TMJ? Migraines? Cancer? Bad fillings? Eye issues? Sleep Apnea? Etc. The one thing that always makes me second guess myself is my huge sensitivity to light and sound during an attack. I wear sunglasses around the house, and feel like an idiot sitting in the back of my class wearing a hoodie and sunglasses. I have read numerous times that light/noise sensitivity is not CH related. I was wondering how many people here are light/noise sensitive. And has anyone looked into all the mercury filling claims? The dentists claim their safe, but those against them are very convincing. Could they be the reason???
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
No oxygen. I've been to 3 neurologists and it was never suggested. From what Im reading, I should be using it. As I stated originally, the pain levels aren't nearly what they used to be, this cluster just won't go away though. I started verapimil and my headaches immediately got worse. I also had major dizzy spells. My doc put me on a lower dose, but the headaches started to get pretty severe. As soon as I stopped taking it, the severity dropped bigtime. -
New to the site. Thanks for all the help already!
Whooligun replied to Whooligun's topic in General Board
Yeah, I thought about that. My wife has an important job that I wouldn't dare sacrifice by growing my own in the house, so Im going to have to find a reliable consistent source. Thanks for the tips!