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  1. I find tht when I take Benadryl for a few days I begin to feel "wired" and "tingly"...it's a very strange feeling... I started the Benadryl (without Bromelain) and I think it's working, but I need to take it consistently 4 times a day.
  2. I went ahead and ordered the Quercetin without the bromelain this evening and should arrive tomorrow. As a result I am now back on Benadryl, and since I started taking it this morning the swelling of my top lip has gone down, still swollen but not as big as before. N.B. my lip was swollen for at least 18+ hours now.
  3. Hi all, it possible that while taking Quercetin (with Bromelain) that since Bromelain is a "byproduct" of pineapples: 1. If I am allergic to Pineapples (not a sever allergy) that this can trigger an allergic reaction or a release of histamine, therefore making the Quercetin pointless? Since I upped my Quercetin up to 3mg/day, I noticed itchy hives on my arms, then the next day as I continued to pop the 3mg/day my top lip got swollen - and as a result, my CH flared back up again. Is this possible? Have you known anyone who had such a reaction? Let me know, thanks. Update: Lip has been swollen for 18+ hours now, but since I started back taking Benadryl this morning the swelling has gone down - still monitoring.
  4. Seff

    CH and sleep

    When I was diagnosed, my CHs occured at specific times throughout the day after I woke up on mornings, like clockwork. Over the past 4 years I maybe only had 1-2 nocturnal CH attacks. However, right now for the first time during this cycle I'm in, I'm experiencing night time headaches. It changes up on you, unfortunately.
  5. Hi Batch, Thanks, I'll check and PM you. =General Update for The Board and Anyone Else= I have been able to switch rooms with my parents over the past two days while taking the supplements mentioned above. First Day = 18+ hours pain free Second + Third Day = 26+ hours pain free 1 Headache per day vs 2-4 as I was experiencing before. Will make some changes in my environment and continue to post my progress as this might be helpful to another person reading.
  6. Hey @xxx, @spiny and everyone else! Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas to you! ==Update - WINDOW AC UNIT possible cause?== Since I last posted, I have seen very slight improvements with my CH (intensity, frequency and duration). I think this very, very slight improvement might have been due to the Quercetin, Bromelain and Vitamin C - QBC I've been taking (sometimes twice the dosage a day). I took 4mg of histal (Chlorphenamine Meleate) along with the other stuff today vs. going back on Benadryl and have been pain free for over 5 hours now (no shawdows etc.). In addition to the above, I've made some lifestyle changes which include diet and also made sure that I kept my environment clean of all allergy triggers (e.g like dust). I have a HEPA air purifier which I recently bought to help with this. However, I was still getting hammered day after day, night after night with the headaches. Until I realized, it might be my window AC unit!! ==Mold Allergies== I bought a window AC unit in October. In recent times (before I got my CHs - over the last month) each time I turn on my AC unit, for the first 15-30 seconds there is a damp, almost musty smell coming from the unit. At that time, I wondered if it was mold, but there is no visible mold growth on the vent or anywhere I can see - so I forgot about it. I have used my AC unit every night and day this week, but after doing some research on mold spores, I am now cognizant that that musty smell coming from the AC no matter how brief, is the first sign of mold growth and that might be the reason why I am not responding the the D3 Regimen like I have in the past. The AC unit is also right opposite the foot of my bed, with a fan in between. If there is mold in the unit, each time I turn it on, mold spores are very likey being blown straight on me, my bed, my sheets etc. via the unit and fan. I am unable to switch rooms, so I will try to cover the AC vents, clean my room, change my sheets and bed cover and see if the CH hits stop or at least are reduced. Not sure if doing any of this will help or if I will need to remove the AC from the window altogether for relief. Let me know your thoughts and again I will keep you updated.
  7. Just to update this post: My serum 25(OH)D came back at 144ng/mL when I did this test back in 2018. Which suggests to me at that time, my D3 was in a high enough range before I started loading for me to be pain free but I wasn't. I think what probably helped at the time in addition to my high D3 levels were the continued use of Benadryl, Probiotics and Tumeric (Curcumin) - 1100 mg due to persistent allergies. ==Current Situation== Throughout the year, I lapsed with the regimen, general good health and nutrition. And about 2-3 weeks ago, like clockwork my CH cycle started. Based on how the year went and the missed D3 maintenance doses, I started loading about 1-2 weeks ago for 8 days @ 100,000 IU daily orally, then an additional 3 days @ 100,000 IU daily sublingually with no relief. However, I stopped and cut back to the maintenance dose of 10,000 IU last week Friday and decided to add Benadryl because at the rate I was taking D3, I should have been pain free. Four (4) days passed on the Benadryl and I began to see improvements (yesterday I was basically pain free). However, I messed up my diet and ate corned beef (which contains nitrates) and I woke up with a headache that has not left since 7am. ==The Plan Going Forward== I chatted with my PCP today (but could not get a serum 25(OH)D test done today and probably won't be able to until after Christmas) With that in mind, we believe my D3 levels are way above 144 as was reported when I had my test back in 2018 based on how often I have been taking it over the past 2 weeks. So instead we will focus on my allergies and anything that can cause a negative immune response. I'm gonna stop taking the Benadryl and start using the following while on the maintenance dose of 10,000 IU of D3 daily: - A 10 Billion Probiotic - CO Q10 - 200mg - QBC Plex (1,250mg Vitamin C, 500mg Quercetin and 50mg Bromelain) - Cerasee Tea for 7 days (Gallic Acid and Catechins) (https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/health-benefits-cerassie-tea-12057.html) I will post again and let you know how this goes. I have also scheduled some time with my PCP to have a full allergy test done so that going forward, I will have an idea of what can and cannot eat because some food allergies manifest in ways that we would never know.
  8. Just wanted to share an update: I love sublingual Vitamin D3: When I last posted on Nov 29th (Thursday), my goal was to take the Prednisone I was prescribed and then restart the Vitamin D3 50,000IU loading schedule the following Monday, 3rd Dec.... However, that Thursday night after I posted I had a change of heart and decided to take the sublingual D3 I bought instead of the Prednisone and instead of waiting till Monday. I slept well that night and did not wake up the next day with an impending headache but in the afternoon I had a cluster headache that lasted about 10 mins with manageable pain. After that was a couple days with a foggy migraine like aura feeling in my head (like the cluster headache was there but not there)....I continued the Vitamin D3 sublingual and to this day the headache pain has gone away. During this time the pain came back once (On Friday), but that was because I missed 2 days of the loading schedule (Wednesday and Thursday) but once I doubled up for those missed days the pain went away again. I'll keep loading as I have 4 more days of the loading schedule left, but so far so good and I've managed to stay away from the Prednisone so that's a plus (Been reading and some people reported that their CH got worse after Prednisone use - this was mainly the reason for my apprehension) Regarding the D3 test: I haven't gotten the results as yet, but I'll call my PCP on Monday for an update. (Update - I just received a call and the blood work is back so I'll visit tomorrow or Tuesday and update then)
  9. You are absolutely correct! I mean, I knew antibiotics killed good and bad bacteria in your gut but... I did not know before how important your gut was to your health and well-being! If only I knew before what I know now, but that's life right I'll keep you posted!
  10. Thanks again Batch, I went to the doc today and got 1 week of Prednisone to help with the pain and also introduced him to the Vitamin D3 Regimen. I also had the Vit D3 blood test done today and should get the results next week. The 500mg Amoxicillin I was on was for a root canal right before I was diagnosed with the Dengue. I took your advice and got some Probiotics and Tumeric (Curcumin) - 1100 mg today as well so I started those today. I also got some Superior Source Vitamin D3 (sublingual) today as well so I'll start either the 4 week loading schedule on Monday. I will let you guys know how everything goes!
  11. Thanks for the response Tony! I've spoken to Batch over email and he gave some suggestions to try, but other than what I've outlined above...I have nothing else to use. I strongly believe that the dose of Amoxicillin I was on 500mg three times a day for 5 days, then immediately after Dengue fever.....I think have messed with my body, my gut...something happened that triggered these CH again and is preventing this D3 Regimen from working.... I will fight through the pain, stop the regimen or at least only take the maintenance dose of 10k IU/day, get the test done ASAP, get a probiotic and depending on the test results make a decision while trying some of Batches other recommendations.
  12. Hi, when I first started taking the D3 Regimen it worked wonders for me (2016). This time however, it doesn't seem to be working. I had dengue fever a few weeks ago and was VERY sick (lost between 10-14 lbs) and was also on antibiotics before that for a dental abscess. A few weeks after I've recovered from the Dengue....I started suffering from cluster headaches again. I started the D3 Regimen (2 week - 50,000 IU/day loading schedule) but now I'm at the end of the schedule the headaches still persists. I'm wondering if maybe I have an absorption problem. When I initially started the regimen back in 2016, I used a sublingual D3 supplement. Now I'm using gel caps. Is it safe for me to use the gel caps (50,000 IU) and then use D3 liquid (50,000 IU) in my orange juice as a general beverage? Is there a danger to me by upping the D3 dosage by this much for 1 week (100,000 IU D3/day) while taking all the other cofactor pills? I've also started taking benedryl today since my allergies are always bugging me and that might be a factor as well. I will try to have a D3 serum test done at the end of this month but I just want the pain to go away like the last time and I can't find thesublingual pills in store. Hoping to hear from someone soon, thanks!
  13. This is the first time I saw this doctor. I've been experiencing these headaches for 5-8 years actually, they got progressively worse. As a teenager I've gotten prescription glasses in hopes that it would stop, I've gotten UV shades because at one point my PCP told me it could be sun exposure (I worked in the sun a lot), but mostly its been treated as sinusitis because of the seasonality. I would go to my PCP, tell her about the headaches and she would say migraine or sinusitis and prescribe sinus medication or stronger pain medication like panadeine...which did absolutely nothing for me. Headaches still came and left when they felt like, regardless of what i took. But after years of suffering I decided to visit another doctor to get a diff opinion, I explained my symptoms to him...I specifically let him know that they come and go with a seasonal pattern and that it feels like someone is squeezing my eye from the back! with pain radiating all the way to my temples, my jaw, the top of my head, all on the same side and at the back of my head, rendering me useless. Closing my eyes dont help, staying still doesn't help, i get nauseous, i get weak, i get clammy with sweat, grunting and making noises help somewhat and rolling around....but there is legit nothing at all that i was prescribed before that helped...they just go away on their own after I lay in suffering and from that description he knew exactly what it was. The preventative medication that you have access to in the US is not avl here in Barbados. I asked because it wasn't textbook in the sense that I didn't have a droopy or teary eye, or stuffed up nose etc, or it never woke me up from sleep. Just always after I wake up on mornings...like it knew what time to come, I guess at that time I was looking for anything to blame it on other than CH..you know something treatable, sigh Doc isn't a neurologist I was put on 50mg of pred daily for 7 days. Yea, I've been communicating with Batch via email ref the regimen
  14. Hey John, Yea its crazy what he suggested! However, I've found some relief re: Batch's D3 Regimen! I've been on it now for 5 days, 50,000IU per day and my headaches have decreased to the point where yesterday I didn't have a headache at all I did have a headache this morning when I woke up, but that could have been triggered by what I ate which was Maple Almond and Pecan Ice Cream....right before bed or just because I went to bed late (I went to bed after 4-5am doing school work and woke up around 7am) but the pain was nothing compared to what I've experienced before taking the D3, it was almost manageable. As for your question, they usually come on after I wake up...I would get up very normal, and within 10-15 mins I can feel the very dull feeling of the heasaching coming on, then it takes maybe another 10-15 mins to come on strong, and lasts ....I'm not sure, I usually bear the pain till I pass out...it maybe lasts like 1-3 hrs Regards, Seff
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