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Everything posted by johncluster

  1. I was finally forced to get a welding oxygen as my "health insurance" wants me to pay $200month for oxygen. I 've got a 60cf bottle and what surprised me was , that my old oxygen regulator that I have used with medical oxygen fits. Some people suggest buying a regulator for welding oxygen ( one with 2 gauges) but If you have a regulator for medical oxygen CGA 540 it will also fit your welding oxygen bottle , maybe not all the sizes, but it fits my 60cf. I have a 25L-PM flow medical regulator that I bought from ebay. If you end up buying a medical oxygen regulator make sure to get 25L as a standard 15L will not be enough at the beginning of an attack.
  2. I have dreams almost every night , in or out of cycle
  3. triptans made my cycle always last too long,,3m or so When I went without tripans the cycle was shorter and the frequency wasn't daily but 2x week I 'll suffer with oxygen before I took another triptan in my life. I would only take triptan on a plane at this point. Triptans help but are definitely a huge trigger and can turn you into a chronic from episodic , speaking just from my experience.
  4. My symptoms are all there, but it's just such rare dissiase , that I can't believe it. Also the fact that there isn't a specific concrete test - like a blood test, it makes me wonder. That pain around the eye combine with the headaches , is so weird, it feels like there is smt wrong with the back of my eye. But it has been like that for over 10y. So 99% symptoms of CH , but sometimes I wonder if I should go to an eye doctor
  5. does your pain start from the back of your eye? and then just spread around , and turns into a pounding headache? I still cant believe even after 10y , that I have CH It is just highly improbable , I never went to eye doctor for this,, anybody went to eye doctor and got healed?
  6. It has no recreational use . It just makes you tired and little bit relaxed, but not in a way that you would want to take it daily or just to feel better, but rebound headaches do occur with any triptans.
  7. In the past 12-14y I had 2 years , each about 1y long ,where I didn't have CH. Isn't that where a cure is? How could that just happen that it doesn't show for 12-14month? So our body is not reacting to triggers for the entire year? It seems to be cured,,,how is that possible and how could we use that info.
  8. I am not stressed, and I wake up very optimistic hoping yesterday was the last day with CH , until I finish my food,,and 1-5min later It is coming on , I've been on potato only diet for about 5-6 days,,but I've been on a very strict diet: no processed food, no fried food, no sweets,,for about 1.5y with a great sucess, until about 10day ago,,,
  9. I,ve had the scans, tests and everything done 12y ago or so , when it all started,,they said CH But Why do i get a CH right after eating? It has always been like that,,except a certain periods where I didnt get CH at all, no matter what I ate. Salad, plain potato,,plain rice,,apple,,,doesn't matter anymore,,the second I am done, the attack start,, after the first attack ,,,the second or third daily and night attack comes regardless of me eating anything...but the first CH of the day is always 1min -5min after finishing any meal. But I have a tread in progress in regards to CH and diet. thanks for any help.
  10. I am currently on potatoes only diet, and the minute I finish my meal , the CH comes,,,,. Even my potatoes only diet that used to work , stopped to work 2 days ago. Why does CH comes the second I finish my meal? Any ideas? What should I try next? green salads only? rice only,, I am running out of options here,,if this continue I will lose my job for good. I can't keep taking triptans daily and keep breathing O2 on the job ,,,thanks for any help.
  11. The problem with busting for me is the complicated process or growing it. I watched those 4 part youtube videos, recomended on this website , but the process seems so complex, that I would not be able to follow it I think. way too many steps for me to follow.
  12. there goes my diet theory ,,well I had a good run for 2y,,,,why is that every time you figured it out it stops working. CH are back even on a diet
  13. I was told by doctors that i have CH,,my symtoms are there, just my pain is nowhere as bad as people are showing on YT channels. They says the worst pain you can ever experience,, but I'd say my was like 7/10 Also triptans and O2 works with pain reduction . Could that be something else?
  14. I start to think , you might be right about tyramine. Have never ever heard anyone mentioning it. When In cycle, bananas are instant trigger, so are the apples, any sort of chicken,,cheese , yogurt,
  15. You can try ones where you have you hands on a bed, to make it easier for you . From my experiences , I had to do them for about 40s-1m, I think it's being tense and put in a strenuous condition is what is reducing the CH pain or eliminating the hit completly. . . So it's not necessary the numbers, but being in that condition where you have to put some effort. The reason I was doing so many was ,,,it was just too easy for me to do even 50 without any significant effort,,,so I had to push to 80-100 just in one series,,,also I was doing them rather quickly but in good - correct form , otherwise you gonna get hurt eventually. Maybe some chemical is being flooded in your brain while you doing them or it might have to do with blood circulation too or with blood pressure. Dead lifts might work too, but cardio never helped.
  16. I had the random ones too, and those 1am -2am CH as well. But they were happening only on the days when i had my food related CH. But anyway if my post helps even 1 other person i'll be happy. Vit D terapy didnt work for me at all. perhaps bc of the additives in the pills which were triggering more CH.
  17. So I decided to abandon my special diet just to test if it was the end of a cycle responsible of for the lack of lack of CH. I ate some fried chicken and potatoes. 1m after finishing I had a CH. really bad one. For the next 3 days I went on a diet again , I only ate home made baked potatoes with little butter . No headache. day 4 still no CH,,on a diet. I would really like to get more people interested in this approach. I'm not selling anything and never will, but I think that people who get a CH 1m to 2h after eating might benefit, bc there it seems food related.
  18. cycling is cardio , but push ups are more of a strength exercise , so completely different type of exercise. And it eliminated my CH many times before they could even manifest,,maybe it has smt to do with BP or blood circulation , not sure. Maybe even the position in which are you doing push ups,,,no idea.
  19. Have you tried push ups? I tried pull ups, running, bench press,,,,but push ups were the only type of exercise that worked, but you must start at the very first sign of CH first 20s I would say. nothing else worked ever.
  20. not sweating from CH,,but from exercise while trying to eliminate the CH.
  21. I used to paced, too, but please read my posts in this tread about push ups, I helps a lot of ppl , even eliminated the headache completely, if you do it soon enough . If you can just do 5-6 at first its fine, I think i might help too,... You will get to 100 in about 4-6 month easily.
  22. They used to work for me about 80% of the time, but only if I started first 20s-1m of the very first sign of a CH. You know that very first hit, that might or might not be a beginning of a headache. In that case push-ups eliminated the CH completely,,after about 3 series of 80 or so ,,with 2min break in between. If I started after 1min or later, it hardly ever stopped the CH , but I didn't feel the pain while I was doing them. I also realized that breathing o2 during my resting time (2m break) between the exercises was helping to eliminate the CH faster , but O2 wasn't really necessary.
  23. I was thinking about that too, that may new cycle just started. I don't have enough trials to make any concrete conclusion. I has worked 2 times for me , so far, but each time basically . That's why I wanted more people to try it. Me as well as most ppl on this forums are skeptics and we don't easily fall for special cures and other non-sense. But I just wanted to share what worked for me. And the diet itself isnt anything drastic, basically ,: no sweets and just good old home made foods , but no deep fried food. I also don't believe that food itself cured me, but that there is some chemical used in preparation that was a trigger, so I still believe that I have CH but they are not triggered anymore. I'll look into tyramine.
  24. Do you have any cheat days? a piece of chocolate or ice cream , here and there? When I cheat , even a small piece of chocolate would trigger it and I ruined everything. Even 1 piece of potato chip, I also find out , that sometimes even a piece of fruit was an instant trigger, I had to eliminate bananas and apples during certain cycles.
  25. I used to have headaches for about 10y,,,so it took me that long to get to that kind of shape. When I had my very first headache I was so desperate from pain , that I started to exercise , trying to forget it. I realized that my pain was gone while doing push fast paced push ups. I also keep my elbows more paraler (closer) to my body, to make more of them . I dont have my arms wide spread like you see in any military movie. I realized that when I start doing them at the very first sign of a headaches , many times it actually aborted the headache totally , especially combined with oxygenl. I tried cold showers(as a prevention) ,,,it didnt help with CH, and it didnt help with anything else much . It was just a personal challenge . I tried different kind of exercises but running was making it works, pull ups didnt help, I don't have a CH now after about 10y of CH's. Check of my posts to see what helped me. good luck.
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