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xBoss last won the day on September 10

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    Poker, fixing things, building things, inventing, science, mechanics

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  1. Since 98 here. One thing clusters are well known for is changing and stuff that used to work does not work anymore.
  2. Awesome, mine are right on schedule. Last year was oct- mid december. Shadows have been happening lately. Ah well, time to start busting.
  3. It's def suspect as being spammy for a first post at the very least.
  4. Never had that happen. My daughter has schizophrenia though and describes that kind of stuff happening to her.
  5. Yup. It's basically 90 days off the beer when the CH drops. A good break!
  6. I know mine is coming very soon. The beers will let me know! Hoping to skip it though. Did A few L trips this year to push it back...
  7. I guess it is to help with bleeding. My dentist refused to use zero epi but he did cut it way down. It sure does trigger them!
  8. Any headache condition is terrible. I hope you can get to the bottom of it. You had me thinking of my first experiences with cluster headache back in 1998ish. I had no idea what was going on and I went through it with no doctors thinking I was finally feeling a headache like people always complain about since I never had any type of headaches before that. Either way it will be OK though, just something to deal with. You got this.
  9. Smelling burning cooking oil can be a major trigger.
  10. Yeah, those are a price gouge. Crazy how it could work forever but they set it to self destruct. I don't think I have seen too many positive experiences here with gamma core. Hopefully more people chime in.
  11. I go off into the higher realms of consciousness during cycles. It's pretty easy to do when you are exhausted from no sleep and been tripping on stuff for weeks. During the worst attack in my life I heard dancing queen playing in my head note for note like it was really playing. That one was weird!
  12. I get those. They come and go. Doing decent right now but wow, they suck!
  13. Stress has put me into cycle a couple few times for sure. Sorry for your loss.
  14. I drank a 6'r tonight and gave the beast the middle finger. Smoke em if you got em warriors. I don't let the beast dictate my shiz. Hi all!
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