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Everything posted by kat_92

  1. Hey guys. Wow. This round of covid is throwing me for a loop. I began the loading dose of D3 3 days ago, and I’ll be busting tomorrow (can’t come soon enough). My clusters were so under control and then BAM. So I woke up today and both my eyes were glued shut and when I opened them they were wet. I read somewhere that covid causes pink eye. But 2 days ago I had my eye very red on my cluster side, and today it’s red and wet on the other side of my face. I can’t tell if this is clusters or a side effect from covid. I’m really struggling here:(
  2. @CHfather thank you so much for the response. I have turmeric pills on hand that I can start using ASAP. I won’t increase my verap I don’t think it’s a good idea. I also recall a higher dose a few months ago making me so tired. I wouldn’t want it to interfere with my busy. I also have melatonin and Benadryl. Should probably take either one at bedtime. I have been so sick for a week now so it’s just hard to tell if it’s clusters or headache from covid. The red eye has me very concerned. It’s lasted over 24 hours now. @BoscoPikoi also read that online. But I do not have any other conjunctivitis symptoms (nothing gross coming from my eye). Feeling mostly tired today because I didn’t sleep much. Looking forward to busting on Tuesday.
  3. @BoscoPikoworking on it now. Any thoughts on my red eye?
  4. Red eye still there this morning without a full attack…I had bad shadows all night, but that could be from covid?? Anyone have any answers what this could be. I really can’t believe I can’t bust until Tuesday. Should I increase my verapamil by 80 mg? I am already on 240
  5. I am writing this at 2:30 am. My eye is bright red and has been for 8 hours…no full blown attack yet. I tested positive for covid. I NEVER have headaches in December. I have jynxed myself after how far I’d come. I was pain free for months. I’m very upset. has covid caused a cycle for anyone else? I have one 02 tank left…insurance not active til Jan 1…can’t bust til Tuesday. Very scared
  6. @Dawn French any time I feel shadows coming I up my d3. But that also means upping magnesium, don’t forget! Yeah, flying may have put a kink in your progress. That’s okay, you’ll get back on track soon
  7. @Dawn French hello. I hope batch sees this soon. But as far as I can tell the d3 is a life savor, but any potential trigger (such as air travel) can make all your preventatives void. Also too much d3 won’t do much good if you don’t have enough corresponding magnesium. It could also be that the sumatriptan made it a little worse? It has been known to make rebound headaches a lot stronger. I use verapamil along with my d3 yearly. What other medications are you on??
  8. Hey @CHfather it sounds about right. I will store in the fridge from now on. I have stored MM in the freezer with no problems. I’ll change up my strategy. Thanks
  9. Hey all, has anyone had success using RC seeds that have been in the freezer for a while? I’m talking like 2 years
  10. @jon019 are you familiar with using zomig nasal spray on a flight? I do not take sumatriptan orally or via injection. It is very expensive and I worry it would interfere with my busting regimen. Zomig is much more affordable for me but I have never actually had to use it, but I would plan on bringing it
  11. @jon019 were you worried to fly the first time after your ch diagnosis? I haven’t flown since my diagnosis. My biggest worry is not necessarily getting hit on the plane, but having the plane ride trigger something and it ruining my vacation
  12. @jon019 wow this makes me happy to hear!
  13. Thank you everyone! @Shaun brearley I am very surprised to hear that you’ve never been hit in the air really (knock on wood). I can’t really plan around my ch yet, when I started I was chronic, but this past year they have tapered off (slightly). I have not been suffering long enough to notice a pattern. I guess we will have to see
  14. Hey guys, I am tired of letting CH keep me from traveling. I have been doing TONS of research, and apparently…airplane headaches Exist!?! From what i have read it seems the symptoms are very similar to CH (blocked nose, teary eyes, stabbing pain behind the eye) and it seems some of the people that get them have never suffered from a headache a day in their life. They almost say they feel like they are getting a brain hemorrhage (at least I know if it happens there won’t be anything fatally wrong with me). And it almost always happens during the last 30 minutes of the flight(the descent). I am flying to Puerto Rico in March for a bachelorette party (I am the maid of honor, and I have to go). Oxygen on the flight and at my destination is not an option for me. I am planning on dosing with MM every week for the month of february. As for the flight, I am planning to drink tons of water, taking ibuprofen before the descent begins, and hopefully be on some good anxiety medication. I am determined to not let these win. I am missing out on so many awesome things. Any other tips? Maybe upping my d3 intake a week before the trip? I have read that some nasal decongestants help (ones with steroids?) has anyone experienced using these? also THANK YOU to everyone who has already answered me. This is not my first time posting on this topic, it is one of my biggest fears. kat
  15. @spiny I am missing out on so many fun vacations and times with my family due to fear of flying. I want to fight it and get on with my life
  16. Hey CH family, just wanted to check in. I am still managing my headaches pretty well. I haven’t had to bust in a while. I also haven’t had to use my O2 tank in over a year…YES I am serious. It’s been forever. I haven’t even renewed my script for it because my insurance doesn’t kick in til January…oh well. I dare to say I might even take a flight soon…I have been terrified to fly since my diagnosis in 2019. Also I have really bad anxiety when it comes to flying. Any advice on flying and Ch? I’ve asked this before, and I’ve read almost every post on it. Just wondering if anyone has any new advice or suggestions. anyway, I hope everyone has a safe holiday month coming up. Things are crazy out there. Still eternally grateful for you all and this site. Cheers kat
  17. Hey guys, it’s been a while! I have been headache free for weeks. Some mild dull headaches here and there. I have not had the need for 02 in a long time. My tank sits full and dusty. I am on verapamil daily and shrooms every 2 months. Here’s hoping the fall won’t trigger anything for me. Summers are usually hell on earth for me. I cruised through. I hope you all are well. I haven’t forgotten how much help you have all given me in vulnerable painful times. But I am glad I haven’t had to be on here as frequently. Pain free wishes to all! kat
  18. I hate to say this but there is no money in it for them. If they knew how well vitamins work they would be in a panic. Look how hard they try and push injections and meds that are hardly covered by insurance…in the United States the medical industry is a thriving market. Unfortunately, the sicker we are and the more pain we are in, the more money they make. Thank goodness every day for this site, D3, busting, and you kind folks.
  19. Hey everyone. I’ve been MIA for a while…which can be a good thing? I’ve been headache free for about 6-7 weeks now. Not even shadows…very strange since I am chronic. The only days that have been funky are if I don’t sleep enough or have way too much caffeine (like yesterday ) I did my last bust maybe 2 months ago? A side note, I have completely changed my diet. I mentioned earlier that I have been working out, so I am eating much healthier. I’m eating around 120g protein per day since I am trying to gain. I have stopped the protein powder I was using since it was giving me migraines (not CH, but still unpleasant). I am still RELIGIOUSLY on the d3 regimen that I started in 2019. I take verapamill 80mg 3x per day. These headaches are so strange. I haven’t had to use my 02 tank though! It is collecting dust I hope everyone is doing well and finding what works for them. kat
  20. Update: I haven’t taken the protein powder for 2 days now and I haven’t had a headache since! There must have been an ingredient in there that triggered a headache. Boy was it weird. Now I’m out $30
  21. It’s not whey protein, I’ll have to check if it’s soy. I also started eating deli meat again….could be the culprit
  22. Happy new year all! looking for advice from any gym rats on this forum. I just got into working out heavily in the past 6 months. I’ve been upping my protein intake with food and protein powders. The last week I have the worst throbbing headache on the opposite side of my face, not my ch side. Pain is ONLY behind my eye. It throbs for about 10-20 seconds and then subsides. It comes in waves about every 20 minutes. It is soooo bizarre. I do not think it is CH, they rarely change sides. This feels almost more like a migraine? I’ve had this before when ingesting soy sauce. It eventually went away. I’m wondering if this is constant because I have been taking protein powder every day. I googled it and I can’t find any concrete connections between high protein and headaches. I know the easiest experiment would be to stop the protein and see if they go away, but I’m trying to change my life style. Any help? thanks! Kat
  23. This is an interesting topic. I really do not know the reason for CH. I do not think there is any correlation between the 2. I also read that it is hereditary. No one in my family(literally no one) suffers from any kind of headaches. But then again, the D3 regimen works so well for some which is an over all immune builder. I am a very healthy 29 year old female, and I have chronic CH. the news hit me like a ton of bricks
  24. Have you tried Benadryl or melatonin? Do you normally struggle with Ch at night? Chronic or episodic? I take Benadryl every night for allergies and it helps me sleep.
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