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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Thank you for the response and yes I am pretty happy about all the advise I have received as well. Strange to see how universal the pred is as I give that to my cat for an autoimmune issue he has and and yes I hate the Topomax and I don't really think it help anyhow... I will try the energy shot as well as the higher levels of D3. Just need to pull the instructions on the dosing. Thank you!
  2. This is great info. Thank you for responding to me. It actually took me a long time to get my general to even let me see a neurologist. I don't like the Verapamil as I have such low energy and find it hard to want to work out etc. I did buy a arm strap blood pressure monitor to check my levels and have a stupid watch that goes off from time to time when the ticker slacks off (that's usually when I start feeling really tired). I am trying to taper off it on my own. I've always been sorta a health nut so I've never put an energy drink in my body but guess if I'm putting junk made up of who the hell knows what that slows my heart down there cant be much harm in trying an energy drink. Strange to hear Prednisolone (I give that to my cat for autoimmune) but hey! Plus who the heck trusts Big Pharma these days... Thank you!!!!
  3. Thank you for the response. I appreciate you taking the time and I will check out the new user link. I have watched some of the videos on here about the use of oxygen and proper masks which led me to purchase the ClusterO2 kit from this site and a regulator that lets me go up to 25 (the one I was given from the Doc has never helped and was exactly what the video said was "nothing"). I did receive what I thought was an auto response about vitamin D3 but I still have read a lot about it in my desperate search and went out and bough the fish oil today. I already have everything else except the Super-K and one other item I cant remember the name of at the moment foliate something or another. I have been taking D3 in pretty high doses but i suppose it wont help if my body is not absorbing it. I did see the mention of Busting boy do i hope that means busting out of this!!! Thank you again!
  4. Hello to everyone on here and sorry to everyone on here... I just recently discovered this site (thank goodness). There is still a part of me that doesn't want to believe that this is my new future but it appears that way. All I was doing was sitting there, got up to let the dog in and boom... That fast my life was stolen just like the election. Body went flush, my rt eye wouldn't stop tearing and about every three seconds I was being spiked in the right temple by something forged by the devil. Of course I called the ER and told them of my plight. In this day and age they ran me through the gamete of very unnecessary questions such as if I had been to the Congo of late or allowed anyone to sneeze directly in my mouth etc... Anyhow... I am very confused because after watching some of the videos on here and reading on the Mayo Clinic of things that exacerbate most folks with CH I just don't understand a lot. Example, I can drink alcohol during a cycle without adverse affect? I don't get a swollen or red eye or runny nose? I fired my first doctor because she wouldn't let me see a neuro and kept telling me I had migraine. She then put me on Topamax (which I have found to impair my cognitive ability a bit) and propanol. Neither of those did anything. I continued to have head bangers that made me want to die that lasted for over 3 to 4 hours at a time up to 15 times in a month usually for 3 months and then they would leave for about two weeks. I got so desperate that I started calling everywhere and one late evening when I called I Kaiser (hate Kaiser) I got routed to a Kaiser out of my area, they set me up with a neuro. I was lucky in that he LISTENED and said if you can't lie down and you pace, rock back and forth, no nothing is touching your pain sounds like CH. Problem.. Verapamil is making me sleepy and weak sometimes my heart rate goes so low it scares me.. I am so depressed I am not me anymore! I am a horse rider and a boxer. I've always worked out and taken really good care of myself but i feel myself giving up! I am 41 and have had horses almost my entire life I have missed an the last 3 months of riding because the verapamil is not working like it used to I was on 360mg per day then increased to 480 and the neuro told me that was max I got desperate and upped to 600 now I'm so tired I just cant take it. I've been taking magnesium, B-12, D-3 and COQ-10.. Any insight is so welcomed... I'm getting tired and I don't want to give up. Yes I have oxygen and proper rebreather mask and regulator that's me go to 25 it works sometimes and not other...
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