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Welding O2


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Hi all,

I went to my doctor today and was he was unable to prescricbe me medical O2. He referred me to a Neurologist but unfortunatley I cannot get an appointment until 25 August, and there it is not certain whether I will get precribed it then either.

After reading CH fathers page on O2 and the infomation on O2 on CH.com I am looking into gettting my O2 from a welding supplier. I would appreciate any feedback from those who use Welding O2. Do you pretend that you are using it for non-medical purposes when you are purchusing it?


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I don't use welding oxygen for ch but I have bought it before. Around here I didn't have to pretend anything cause they didn't ask. Just tell them it's for your cutting torch if they ask. That's the most common use for it

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I use "welding" O2.  And, it works real good.  I'm sure you've done this allready.  Look in your local yellowpages for welding supply shops.  Tell them you need an O2 bottle.  Usually people don't ask.   Get yourself a regulator.  Have at it.  Like Gump said, you dont have to pretend.  Just tell them your cutting metal with a torch.  Good Luck

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Hey Guys,

Cheers for that, happy to say that after going to a different doctor I was prescribed medical O2. The doctor was great, he had previously had a patient who had experiences releif from O2 and he was a very nice guy.

I have one large tank and one small with a regulator at my home now. Just waiting for my Optimask which I ordered(may take a while since in am in Australia). The compay provided me with tubes that you breeth through your nose which I guess would not be the correct thing for CH.

Anyway, I am pretty happy that I have at least got the O2 an a smart and caring doctor now. Something I did not have a couple of weeks ago.

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Good for you, G!  So glad you stuck with it and found a good doctor.  You are right that the tubes you put in your nose (called "nasal cannula") almost certainly won't help you.  I've read of some people who said they did help with low-kip HAs in their early episodes of CH, but it seems like the frustration of trying them might be worse than waiting.  Could you call the company that provided the oxygen and the cannula and tell them you need a non-rebreather mask?  It's a little surprising that the doctor didn't specify that on his prescription. 

Or maybe you feel pretty confident that your O2ptimask is going to arrive very soon.

Anyway, again -- congratulations for standing up for yourself and getting what you need.

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As mentioned above, what you need is a Non Re Breather Mask, the Optimask being the cadillac of that type. If you understand what a Non Re Breather is, you can make your own in less then five minutes. You need a reservoir to store the oxygen coming out of the tank, and a way to get the 100% 02 to your lungs.

Here's your MacGiver lesson for the day! :)

Take a 1 gallon ziploc bag, poke a tiny hole in the bottom and run that tubing that goes into the nasal canulas, into the bottom of the bag. Tape it up as airtight as you can.

Take a cardboard tube from a paper towel or toilet paper roll, stick it in the top of the bag, close and tape up the top so it's air tight. Put your hand over the cardboard tube so air can't get out. Turn on the oxygen. The bag fills with 100% oxygen.. Put your mouth over the tube, breathe deep, put your hand back over the tube so the bag refills, exhale out, don't exhale into the bag as that dilutes the 100% 02....we don't want that...repeat. You're now the proud owner of a "redneck non re breather mask!" ;)

A couple of reminders. Oxygen is not flammable but is an accelerant. If your clothing is saturated with oxygen, and you are exposed to a heat source, smoking, a lit stove etc., you will go up like a roman candle. Remember to use in a well ventilated area, and to take a 5 minute walk outside to clear the saturated 02 outta your clothing before you are exposed to any ignition sources. A little prevention and awareness goes a long way. Hope it works as well for you as it has for me.


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Optimask arrived yesterday!..very quick considering the distance it travelled!

Thanks for that CH father, definately hepls to have an understanding doctor for sure!

Alleyoop, my flow rate on my regulator goes to a maximum of 15 lpm. My doctor asked me what flow rate I wanted and I said it had to be a minimum of 15 for CH so that is what they gave me.

Cheers for the usefull tips Joe, much appreciated, this is  very impotant information regarding the  safety issues for 02 users.

Thanks again for your support guys, this is an amazing site and this cycle I have learnt so much. A few years ago I was totally clueless about CH and I feel the more I learn and the more I share experiences with you guys the better things are going to be in the future  ;)

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