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Well well...


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My mom had her first chemo therapy this friday and my father got into the hospital today. He had cancer in his stomach, don`t know exactly what`s causing problems right now. I have a brother and a sister, my sister`s on vacation and my brother will be soon. Difficult this situation, not really sure what to do.

Been painting my daughters room today, actually it didn't trigger ch. This morning i realized i was feeling afraid of the painting, lol, i`m serious, i`m seriously afraid of painting. Not so much of the water based ones anymore, but just thinking of oil based out door paint gives me chills on my back, yuck!! So now you folks know i`m afraid of sheep's while hunting and paint. Now i've been painting and soon hunting season starts, meeting my fears. LOL...... Ok now i`m rambling, just needed to vent a bit....

Thank you for listening, what would i do without you folks :)

PFW to all

Tingeling :)

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Ting, just face your fears and paint the sheep. That should take care of the problem. Then take two aspirin and call me in the morning  ;)

I will pray for you and your family. Hang in there and know that a higher power is at work. Life is hard but love will conquer.

Very best wishes.


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If one of us need some luck these days!

I'm so sorry to read about your parents, as Scott says I'm praying to for you and your family, hope thing will work out.

Just paint the room of your daughter, she will be very happy with that for sure. Keep that in mind while you are painting. And if you get hit you say to yourself, I just finished the beautiful bedroom and my daughter will love it.

Sometimes these things are just more important than getting hit, seems pretty easy to say for me  ;)

Wish you luck and PF days !


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So sorry to hear about your parents, Ting. Are they far from where you are? Are they in the same hospital? It makes me very sad that you have to deal with both of them being so sick at the same time. You have many brothers and sisters here that care for you very much and share your worry and grief.


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