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Finally will be getting those done this week!!!!  I have yet to have a "full" headache, but I know they are coming, and my new Doc, THANK YOU ALLEYOOP!, prescribe me these two imagining appointments.  Wonder what they will find... I am really hoping they don't confirm what I have suspected for a while... that my noggin is empty. :)

MRI, I know what that is... been there done that for my back, but MRA, not sure what that is.

Anyone know what an MRA is looking at/for?

Pain Free times to you all!

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I am really hoping they don't confirm what I have suspected for a while... that my noggin is empty.
When the old-time baseball pitcher Dizzy Dean was hit in the head by a line drive and knocked out, the medical-report headline in the paper the next day said "X-Ray of Dean's Head Reveals Nothing."
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  • 2 weeks later...

Had my results read, and nothing. All normal. Guess I should be happy about that, but am somewhat disappointed.

Did have a minor hit the other night, as I am finishing up a divorce and some other stress with the business.  5 mins on the O2 tank, and all was good.  It may have also been a small rebound from the treatment on Wed. night. Who knows. But needless to say, has my anxiety through the roof.  Hopefully, I will not go into cycle, as my last one was around this time last year. Weather has been crazy here, as it seems to be crazy all over. Hot then a cold snap, then perfect fall day...

I can still drink a beer, so I don't know what to think about this little hit.  Came from nowhere, and was gone quick. weird.  Normally, in a full cycle or the beginning, looking at a beer would give me a hit!

Hope everyone is doing well!

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