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how to take LSD?


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so my headaches have started again, and iv either forgotten how painful they were or they've gotten worse. yesterday i pulled a fist full of my hair out and my mum had to pin my hands down. i have an oxygen tank, but it doesn't really help me, and i remember reading that one of the things you can do to abort an attack is doing strenuous exercise, but there is only so much exercise you can do in the middle of the night, and the pain comes right back the moment you stop. anyway, i was feeling pretty desperate so i went on line and i discovered these websites with all these people talking about how LSD and Liberty Cap mushrooms helped them. and if they really work the way everyone says they do, i definitely want to try this treatment. because my other option would be to go on the medicine(Topomax) that my doctor prescribed and the side effects are just horrible. my problem is that i definitely cant get a hold of mushrooms where im living, but i can get LSD-however, i dont know how to take it or what dose to take.

Help anyone?

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If it's anything like it was when I was in high school, even one "hit" or dose on a small piece of paper was enough to send us into psychedlic land for 8 hours.  You will not be able to function in any normal capacity if you take that much.  I would recommend taking the smallest amounts possible each different attempt, until you find a good balance between being pain free and able to function.

I am new to the site as well, and I will be experimenting with less drastic approaches first, such as seeds, licorice root, vitamin D, etc.

Lots of good options in these forums.  Good luck!

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that was going to be my first option, but i live in Pakistan, where such things aren't so easily available. my mum is completely against me taking LSD, but i don't see any other option available to me. but thanks alot for your advice! :)

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Hi Nj,

There certainly are people on this board with experience or more knowledge than me of the experience of others who can give you better advice, but I would certainly have tried LSD if I could have gotten my hands on some.

But first, are you sure it's LSD? Pure LSD? If so, go ahead and try, but there are drugs on the street they sell as LSD and that could be 2C-B or DOM, and although these will have you trippin for sure, it's not certain at all it would help your CH attacks or cycle.

But if you're sure you have pure LSD, it's difficult to know how many micrograms is in a tab you'd buy... from what I read, 250 micrograms will get you tripping (400 and more is a total psychedelic trip, 12 hours, maybe more if you take really too much, and if you do, vallium will calm down the over-trip or badtrip), 125 micrograms would probably not get you any trip, or very little, and from what I read, and my own experience with RC seeds (LSA), I think around 80 micrograms of LSD would heal you and not get you tripping.

(from Wikipedia) :

DOB has been sold on blotter paper (and presumably represented as LSD).[4][5] Misrepresentation as LSD could be potentially dangerous, as DOB does not have the known safety profile of LSD (...) Upon tasting the chemical, if one notices a highly bitter or "chemically" taste, this should serve as a warning sign that the drug is not LSD, but likely a psychedelic amphetamine (DOB, DOC, DOI or Bromo-DragonFLY).[citation needed] However, blotter paper may have a taste regardless of the chemical on it, due to ink or solvent used

Now I can't find right now my sources, but I have read somewhere that in the 1970s, LSD tabs were generally 250 or 300 micrograms and that they reduced nowadays generally to around 150, but I'm really unsure of that info, and I have no idea if this applies to your part of the world.

But I think you'd be safe to have very little psychedelic effect if you take half a hit of LSD.

If ever you take too much LSD, my opinion is that you'd only be tripping 12 hours. LSD has a good medical low toxicity report. No one ever died from an overdose of LSD. Even a documented very high overdose (think it was 30,000 micrograms) wasn't lethal nor drew bad consequences. All I have been reading on LSD shows it's a very powerful drug, but very low toxicity. LSD has been legal and used in medical conditions and supervision for years (1947-1967, correct me if I'm wrong anyone).

The only red light on it is mainly: it may trigger a latent psychotic condition. If you suffer from any psychotic trouble, don't take LSD or mushrooms. There is a possibility that the latent psychotic condition is not apparent, no symptoms. This happened to my friend's daughter who was diagnosed with schizophrenia after some trip on I'm not sure what drug, condition that she didn't know about prior to the drug trip. Well in these cases, it's impossible to know, but one thing seems very clear for every medical professionals who wrote on the subject: this psychotic trouble would have risen to the surface eventually anyways for sure, LSD or not.

But as I warned earlier, are you sure it's LSD? Pure LSD? And what were the conditions of the lab that made it? are there still traces of solvents?... all kinds of questions that can hardly be answered.

Why can't you order RC seeds online? Since you have the weather, maybe you could even grow them.

Please keep us informed of your experiences, it's all about gathering data.

wish you pain free days

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actually im pretty sure that hashish triggers clusters. i was in my "pain free' period and got high with some friends and i felt the shadows coming on. this has happened with me twice. an actual headache didnt happen, but the feelings i get right before i get a cluster did.

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actually im pretty sure that hashish triggers clusters. 

Most people on this board will agree cannabis and hashish are triggers. It may help one to "drive" the CH in between attacks, but there are very few who claim it's a busting agent. One did. I think it's in this thread:

An older thread on this came back up recently. Interesting info and experiences: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1274593344/0

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i live in Pakistan, and i doubt if ill be able to order RC seeds online. but ill definitely research into it. id actually prefer to take something more natural as opposed to LSD especially because ill be getting the LSD through some friends, and i have no idea of what quality it would be.

thanks alot for the information!

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i live in Pakistan, and i doubt if ill be able to order RC seeds online

I can't see why not, really. I know there is trouble with Ukraine, Russia, but I heard of no troubles about Pakistan. The RC seeds suppliers actually get their inventory partially from India, so I'm certain you're surroundings is a perfect place to grow these flowers, therefore, you might even find some in your neighbourhood.

They are called Rivea Corymbosa, Turpina Corymbosa. RC, or Ololiuqui.

Hawaian Baby wood rose seeds (HBWR) also contain same substance, and also Morning Glory seeds (MG). These can all grow very well in Pakistan I'm sure. Search and look around.

But check out the Web sites selling RC seeds, www.iamshaman.com, www.TrancePlants.net, www.psychoactiveherbs.com, www.salviasupply.com and see about shipping in Pakistan. Email them. See my other post about a great deal on RC seeds at TrancePlants.net. They will answer your email within 24h

good searching and please post back, we want news on your path

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[edited: well i see purp is right in top of some of this.  nice going, purp!! thanks.]

well, RC seeds are very light, so if they are legal to receive, the shipping cost from anyplace would not be very high.  you might try contacting the very helpful folks at www.tranceplants.net

thay are in canada, there's also, in england,  http://www.allsalvia.co.uk

is your oxygen flow rate at least 15 liters per minute, and do you have a non-rebreather mask?  if yes to both of those, many people find that they need flow rates that are higher than that, or that a top-quality mask helps a lot.  you can find more about that here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1299901790

whooligun mentioned some other things that have worked for many people, including licorice root and vitamin d3.  you can read more about those things here:

d3: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804

licorice root: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1298659068

have you tried drinking an "energy drink," high in caffeine and taurine, at the start of an attack?  that helps a lot of people (in the US, the typical brands are redbull and monster).

hang in there; it'll get better!

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How stupid of me! I didn't realize that RC seeds were actually flowers! If its similar to morning glory then I can def get it because I think my mum has planted morning glory in our garden! But please let me know, how are we supposed to take it?

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I actually stopped drinking my usual redbull which I have before my workouts thinking it might trigger an attack. But if its supposed to help, I should be getting an attack tonight, so ill try it out. And I do have the proper mask etc for my oxygen, but it usually takes a long time for the pain to come down.

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How stupid of me! I didn't realize that RC seeds were actually flowers! If its similar to morning glory then I can def get it because I think my mum has planted morning glory in our garden! But please let me know, how are we supposed to take it? 

You probably don't want to use the seeds that are meant for planting in a garden, because they're often treated with some nasty chemicals (others please correct me if I'm wrong).  Longshot:  I have read that there is a Pakistani strain of Hawaiian baby woodrose: maybe someone's growing that and you can snag some seeds???  Meanwhile, check with tranceplants, allsalvia, etc.

How to take them.  General instructions here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974

Some specifics in this recent thread: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1329318355

You might be able to use morning glory seeds.  I assume the "fresh" ones from growing plants are safe.  See the posts after that "LSA" file I linked you to.  Ricardo's the main man on morning glories, so maybe he'll pop in here, or you can PM him.

When it comes time, check in with us.

Recently a person here said that RedBull made his heaches worse.  That's the only person I've ever read saying that -- for most people, it helps a lot.  That fellow said that on the other hand Monster did help him.

There's a "proper" mask and there's a really good mask, the O2ptimask.  Worth considering.  See the file I linked you to.

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Isnt there a floating seeds trick I should do first to filter out the bad seeds?

Yes, you can do that.  Then get rid of/replace the floaters.  Then pat dry all the seeds.  Then grind, then soak, then drink.  Don't grind with anything that gets too hot (e.g., coffee grinder).  I think the typically preferred method is more "crushing" than grinding -- with a mortar and pestle, for example -- but a hand-operated spice grinder is also fine.

There was a time when 50 was considered a high first dose.  I guess we've seen enough now to think that it's unlikely that you'll really "trip" at all from that number of seeds.  I think around 35 is still the recommended first dose (up from about 20-25 when I first got here 18 months ago), but if you're comfortable with 50, go for it.

I didn't feel like typing the procedure again with seeds and found this post from another thread from CHfather. I started with 60, them 80, then 90 (or something like that), then a fourth bust 2 days ago as I was feeling the CH crawling back in. For this 4th time, I used 90 good seeds (non floaters), and extracted the LSA using about one ounce of vodka mixed with cold peppermint tea and some orange juice. With the help of some cannabis, I can say it was getting close to a somewhat trip.

I asked TrancePlants on what basis they had judged their seeds efficient following their own testing, assuming there were not CH sufferers and that if it is psychedelic trip the testing basis, how many seeds they use. Answer: shamanic use, 100 to 200 seeds depending on the person. So I'd say therapeutic for CH: 30-50 seeds if you want to stay conservative, up to 100 if you don't mind risking some (low) tripping.

You will get infos here also


and here

http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1283257635/0 where you will find also tingeling's "extreme situations" potion recipe.

From my 4th busting experience, extracting with vodka and orange juice and peppermint tea seemed to have more power and that is what I will do next time, letting it soak a day or two (2 hours this time).

Peppermint tea and/or alcohol is said to turn the LSA into LSH. Is that true? I don't know. Is LSH more effective for CH? I don't know. The turning of LSA into LSH seems to come from trippers Web sites, looking for the buzz from the seeds, but maybe LSH is more efficient on CH... I think no one knows for sure.

Mj, please note that the amount of seeds mention here only concern RC seeds. For MG or for HBWR seeds, it's quite different

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Ok thanks. I'm looking into websites that I can buy RC seeds from and who will also ship them here.. If not, ill have to do with morning glory for now, as that is most easily available. But I plan on showing the pictures to the guys who my mum buys plants from. Maybe I can even find RC seeds... Thanks a lot for all the info. Its the first time in a long time I don't feel like I'm crazy or some sort of freak(cz a lot of my family members couldn't comprehend that a headache could be so painful and thought I was probably faking it) and that there might be a solution to my problem. This is so much better than hearing people telling you that 'its all in your head' and 'heal yourself with yoga' or the best one 'just don't think about it and it will go away''

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Thoughts I had:

You probably don't want to use the seeds that are meant for planting in a garden, because they're often treated with some nasty chemicals

Most stores sell seeds with a fungicide on them that you really don't want to ingest...Always look for it specified that they are untreated seeds.

I have read that there is a Pakistani strain of Hawaiian baby woodrose: maybe someone's growing that and you can snag some seeds???  

You might be able to use morning glory seeds.  I assume the "fresh" ones from growing plants are safe.

Peppermint tea and/or alcohol is said to turn the LSA into LSH. Is that true? I don't know. Is LSH more effective for CH? I don't know. The turning of LSA into LSH seems to come from trippers Web sites, looking for the buzz from the seeds, but maybe LSH is more efficient on CH... I think no one knows for sure.

As far as both Morning Glory and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose--only certain varieties are active.  With Morning Glory, I know the Heavenly Blue, Pearly Gates, and Flying Saucers strains are active.  I don't know much about the HBWR strains. 

   Purple--what you say about the LSA LSH conversion is right on.  Nobody really knows what is going for sure, I have never seen any lab work showing an actual conversion of LSA to LSH.  All I can really say is that I have had very different experiences depending on if I have taken my seeds with water compared to with peppermint tea or alcohol.  The straight seeds and water were VERY sedating, I was kinda amazed by how hard it has knocked me down, actually.  When I've added peppermint or alcohol, it has kept me awake and felt much trippier. 

The reason I included the quote about the fresh seeds, is that there is a theory (that I believe) that fresh seeds contain more LSH than LSA, and over time the seeds convert into almost all LSA.  If you are looking for a sedating trip (LSA), it would seem you might NOT want fresh seeds.  We have no idea if the LSH is more effective than LSA, (or even effective at all for that matter) for busting at this point.  It has seemed so for me, but I do not know many that have tried it. 


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Purp 404...hats off sir.  seeds=viable-non treated.

And I do have the proper mask etc for my oxygen, but it usually takes a long time for the pain to come down.
what flow rate are you using...many need 25lpm or more for quicker and longer aborts...just a suggestion.

all the best

the bb :)

PS: I love hashish.hhhmmmm just not during an episode.

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luz', if you are sent to the main page of the general board, you will see on the right side a large black bar with white writing that says "Start New Topic."  Click on that, create a Topic Title, type your questions into the big box below, and then click on Post New Topic at the bottom of the page.  Tell us as much as you can about your situation (for example, what medications you are taking; whether you are chronic or episodic; etc.). That will help us try to give you good answers.

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