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Update, several points


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Hello, fellow busters. I've just been lurking since I first posted about a year ago. Back then I was prepping for my first bust and your advice proved valuable. For that, I thank you!

I busted with 4g of p.c. in the middle of a long, hard cycle. I use 'cycle' here, but it never goes away! Anyway, I saw immediate reduction from 4/day kip 7 to just shadows overnight. Three weeks later, a 2.5g bust reduced the beast to shreds. 10 weeks without a peep. Life=good.

When I had a shadow, I took a small dose of medication (too small for the scale to measure - 4 or 5 little caps), on the order of 6-week intervals for the remainder of the year. This worked well.

One month ago, shadows came back, but I had no medication ready. This cycle came on very fast, and the beast was snarling louder than ever. 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 10pm, 2am, clockwork. Tick, tick, tick. The 2AM ones seemed the worst, kip .. oh, 8.5, I'm not sure. Crying, squeezing of whatever was close. You know the drill.

SO, I went to the doctor last week. I told him everything. I have been keeping a journal (which he really liked) and spilled all of it about the busting, dosage, preparation, everything. He had some interesting things to say, mostly in the form "If I tell you to up the dose to x grams and space the dosings apart by x weeks, I might lose my license. So I wont tell you to do that." VERY helpful, wonderful, knowledgeable man. I hope you all can find a PCP like this.

He asked ME what scripts I wanted. The last combination seemed to do the best, so I asked for that. Prednisone bolus, 60mg/day and wean off. Nimodipine 30mg 3x a day, and Oxycodone 5mg as needed. Started that Friday, 30 April. Just shadows, and the oxy takes care of them. This should buy me enough time to prepare my own medicine.

He gave me some insight into the workings of the FDA. He said although they will approve a pill that makes you crap yourself uncontrollably, they will NEVER approve a pill that messes with consciousness, even at sub-hallucinogenic dosages. I generally dislike smileys, but  >:( .

So, good news and bad news; more toward the good side, and that's all we ever wish for.

Thank you all for your e-love and e-support. Even if I don't post often, I still read other people's experiences, and that helps an whole lot.



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Sounds like a good Dr in your corner!

Mine has just gotten to where he listens to me and all because I told him I joined a Cluster Headache Site and was in contact with literally 100's of people with this affliction! 8-)

Mind you, that is more sufferers  than he will see in his whole career! :o

All the best


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