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Maintinence Advice


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  Hi Gang,

wanted to call on your expertise with my cycle starting to pop up again.

  Back in late January I was able to break my what I thought was a chronic cycle, it had been going from August thru January. I was able to obtain relief by doing what I called a "Mega Dose" about 3 or so grams. It went away and then about 2 weeks later I started getting random smallish hits that I aborted w/ O2. Then I took a "Normal Dose" for me about 1.5 grams and had been PF up until about a week ago, then random more frequent hits until now I get them about 1-2 a day about every other day. This is nowhere close to where I was at prior to the successful bust.

  So I was calling out to see if I was to have been doing maintenance doses like every other month or just when I feel them coming back.

  Anybody out there living with a similar situation I can draw from?

  Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated


Dave O

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I wouldn't be able to say what to do. I have used 3 or 4 mushy doses at one week intervals,(breaks up that episode), then follow up with 2 or 3 lsa doses at the same interval to finish things off. Maintenance doses of lsa every 3 months. YMMV

Long episodes suck ;)


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