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drug tests

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For common questions like these, you can use the search bar, or check the "clusterbuster files"

Erowid has a lot of good info as well which I posted above

and here's the search function at the shroomery


always good for great info, and some laughs as well

There's a few different drug tests out there, 5panel doesn't test for psilo or lsd. 10 panel may, not sure on that one.

Psilo is only in your system for 48 hours max, correct???

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They're perfectly legal and constitutional, by the way - as a condition of employment.

If you're going to work for me, and my company is liable for your actions, I'm kinda gonna wanna know if you're a crack head.

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I'm kinda gonna wanna know if you're a crack head

I'm sure you dont need a UA to figure out if someone is a crack head lol thats easy to spot... kinda of like undercover cops... they just dont fit in...

Now a days with fake urine, UA's are a wash...sure you could say random UA, but a bottle of fake urine and a heating pack in your pocket can post a clean test :o

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Most stuff is gone in 24-48 hours. The heavy stuff.

Pot, on the other hand, can show for months after you quit using if you were a heavy user.

Makes a whole lot of sense. The crack head will PASS the test and the pot head will fail. Who would you rather work with? >:(

I understand liability issues, but the tests and results are a joke.

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If the business I own employs drivers and/or pilots that are governed by DOT and/or FAA rules, you can bet I'm going to want to know if you're a drug user.

My business is LIABLE for people and stuff that you kill, maim, or destroy.

All the more reason to fight to make it legal for a clusterhead to bust under the supervision of a doctor.

I don't know how much clearer I can express my opinion on this.

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Yes, Brew.

No one is disagreeing with you.  I agree with you totally...Only stating opinions and facts just like you.

Thats why there are things called "hair tests" which are 99.9% accurate

Any "extreme" job employment conducts them, and if not, they should. Even some observe the sample of a UA, and do multiple tests weekly.

Even after an accident, injury, and so on, a drug test UA or hair test is conducted within the 24 hours of such an event happening. If that test comes up positive, and the employee uses any substance it WILL be detected. The responsibility becomes on the employee, NOT the employer for loss of damages, injury, or death.

And for the record, sugar, caffiene, nicotine, and many more legal substances are drugs as well. Which alter a persons reactions and brain chemistry. Not on the level of pot, or mushrooms or any of the other "hard stuff" but they do.

If a company isnt thoroughly examining the employees they hire, then the employer is at just as much fault as the employee.

When I was able to work, I at one point was on lithium, I couldn't drive my own car and went from press operator to broom pusher. Upon my request as I didnt feel safe. A legal prescription drug not tested for in any drug analysis which altered me in such a way that I couldn't perform normal tasks.

Also the place I worked at, would send you for a UA if you got a sliver from the wood pallets that you handled daily.

Not to mention, drug users could smoke crack on friday night and test clean on monday morning if it was a simple/cheap 5 panel or 10 panel UA

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I am all for safety. I am not arguing. I am saying the tests, urine tests, are a joke.

If you are going to test, use the hair test. Don't use the UA that nails the pothead and passes the crackhead.

Then, I might feel a little 'safer'. Otherwise, it is in the same realm as the TSA. Does that help?

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I'm kinda gonna wanna know if you're a crack head

I'm sure you dont need a UA to figure out if someone is a crack head lol thats easy to spot... kinda of like undercover cops... they just dont fit in...

Now a days with fake urine, UA's are a wash...sure you could say random UA, but a bottle of fake urine and a heating pack in your pocket can post a clean test :o

They are a warrantless search, making them unconstitutional.  It's none of the government's business what medicine I take.  In the US we live in a corpacracy, which is a pseudodemocracy that gives the appearance of the people ruling while in reality the corporations hold the power over our lives.  In reality the corporations have bought our government via the legalized bribery of the Citizens United ruling.  This makes them an extension of the government and therefore subject to the same limitations of their power that the constitution places on the government.  The bottom line is, if someone needs to take psilocybin medicine to free himself from chronic pain, it's neither the government's business nor any corporation's business.  If he goes to work high, that's different.  Then there's evidence of wrong doing and reason for a warrant to search.  If he's never high at work and capable of doing his job, then his meds are his business and his business alone. 

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