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cardiovascular training helped anyone?

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Back in '01 I was in kick-ass caridovascular shape.  I noticed when I was in that condition that I had far, far fewer headaches.  Man, do I ever wish I had stayed in that condition, but I let life distract me.  Now I have daily headaches.  I did have daily backaches and was in too much trouble to train.  Some cortisone injections have helped with the back pain.  I'm planning to use some busting treatment to get the headaches under control and then to get back into the cardio training.  I'm curious if anyone else has done any cardio training and if it's helped.  If you have and it's worked, STICK WITH IT!  Man, do I regret getting away from it.  I don't have an oxygen tank, but I see my doc on Wed and am going to try to get him to prescribe one. 

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