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How to use shrooms


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Hi all,

I'm new to this site and hope you can help me with the usage of shrooms. I live in the Netherlands where these Psilocybine shrooms aren't illegal. My partner is suffering from chronic CH for About +10 years now and we're at the point that no treatment with the "standard" medication is helping anymore.

After searching the internet we've found the clusterbuster site and the usage of shrooms so we bought them yesterday to try them out. My partner took 3 grams of fresh shrooms wich he ate in About 10 minutes. The clusters changes in the way that there was only the, so called, "shadow" but without the severe pain! You can imagine that it left him very exided. However, at 3:30 pm a huge attack woke him up from his sleep, he ended up at the couch, oxygen and Imigran (imtrex) nearby. Magically the cluster didn't progress to the point that he had to use the oxygen and injection though the cluster really was there!

The question we are now left with is:

How Many grams should he use to be able to abort the cycle?

Is it better to eat them fresh or make some tea from dried ones?

Does he have to take them on a daily basis?

Please let us know because we are very optimistic about this treatment


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Hi Pos,

Welcome, and I'll echo what DD said, and add a bit.

There is A LOT of information in the ClusterBuster Files pages that can help, and will be more thorough and detailed than my comments here, but this might get you started.

First off, there needs to be a 5 day gap between taking shrooms. Read the posts about 'shutting the door'. If he takes a second dose within those 5 days, it'll have no to little effect.

If he's been chronic, one dose won't make them all go away. I have essentially been chronic for 6 years, and it is taking me many busts to stop it. Although, after the first few, I started getting cluster free gaps of up to 20 days.

After he busts, there are likely to be slapbacks, the demon trying to fight back. These can be pretty intense the first week, but will get better after the 2nd dose (in my experience).

I've always taken dried shrooms, about 2.4 - 2.6 grams. If they are fresh, the water content (from what I've read) increases it quite a bit, and I think doses are closer to 10 grams. But read the posts first, as I've never taken them fresh, so not 100% sure.

How he takes them is up to him. Personally, I make mint tea with a squirt of lemon juice. some people just eat them (I don't like mushrooms enough for that), and some grind them up and put in capsules.

When I found this site a year ago, I spent about 5 days just reading and reading and reading. There is a LOT of good information here, and good people. This site and the people here has, quite literally, saved my life.

I live in England, where I wish shrooms were legal.


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You can read Oscar's posts by going here http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?action=viewprofile;username=714D5D5F4C3E0, scrolling down the page, and clicking on "See the last [40] posts by Oscar."  Change the [40] to 120 if you want to see all his posts.

If you go here http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?board=files and scroll down the page, you'll see the key files that Moxie mentions (including the file "Shutting the Door"), plus several others you should read, including the important one called "Playing Well Together."

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Thank you for the feedback, I also have been reading the forum and Luther websites for days now. Good to read that the chronic CH is not gone after one dose, not because he wants them but to stay positive  :) I Will surely read the Posts from Oscar. Thank you again, we're so glad that we've found this site!

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