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Really glad I found this site


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About 4 years ago I started having a headache behind my left eye, the pain gets so bad I want to dig my eye ball out with a fork and scrape behind it- after seeing a doctor and several mri's, many strange test, 3 years ago my doctor told me I have cluster headaches. I was put on oxycodone, after about 2 years of taking those, I quit cold turkey- and to my shock, I had no more clusters...

until 2 months ago, the cluster has come back with a furry.

That's my story, and I am really glad I found this site, it's nice to find people, sadly, that have these headaches because alot of people don't understand the pain of a cluster.

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How a doctor can identify cluster headaches and then do so little research as to prescribe oxycodone . . . gosh, it's depressing.

Have you read enough yet to know what you want/need to be doing?  Such as . . .

  • I hope the fact that your name is legion shouldn't scare us (Biblical joke :D :D)
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Hey Legion, so glad you're connecting with other CH'ers and their supporters now, because THAT'S when a headbanger tends to finally find valuable info about how to get some genuine relief.

And I'm even gladder to see CHfather is your first responder, because in typical fashion he just laid out a fantastically thorough and succinct CH killing road map there for ya.  :)

I'll just add that CH'ers trying melatonin on for size are known to start with a 9 mg dose before bed, then increase in 3 mg increments all the way up to 18 or even 21 mg if necessary.

About your oxycodone prescription: There are drugs commonly prescribed by headache specialists for CH and oxy absolutely isn't one of them. Yep, it's just wrong, dammit.  :o

Hey have ya seen the National Geographic episode about CH and busting ? (Busting is a more effective CH preventative then any prescription). Well here it is - the segment starts around 30:50 into this video and it features our debonair :D forum member Dan/Hipshot and his lovely wife LeeAnn:


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