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2nd dose of RC


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I decided to take a second dose of RC. My first dose was good. I had very little hits at kip2-3 lasting 10 min. Then 2 days PF. BUt last night seven days later form my first RC bust. I got hit with a kip10. It lasted an hr and a half. Did the RC wear off? Am I starting my cycle over? Whats going on?

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Hi Serg,

Whoa, sorry to hear about that K10!!  :o:(

From what I've seen, it typically takes more than one busting dose to knock out a cycle, and I'm guessing that's what's going on with you.

That was a seriously dirty trick for the beast to wallop you from out of nowhere like that when you'd had 2 days PF, since ordinarily we hope for signs like a gradual building of intensity to warn us that another bust is due.  >:(

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Did the RC wear off? Am I starting my cycle over? Whats going on? 

After busting three times, once with M and twice with LSD, I seem to be back at square one and in the middle of a cycle with no possibility (it seems) to sleep. I'm asking myself the same questions, Sergical. Just to let you know you're not alone  :)

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It makes me really sad to see you guys, Serg and Purp(s), having such a hard time.  If I'm correct, neither of you has O2.  I'm sure that Purp doesn't, and what I remember from Serg's threads is that you were close to it a couple of times but didn't ever report that you had obtained it.  I'm not going to recommend it again, because you both know how important I and virtually everyone here think it is.  I wanted to mention that I have heard two other accounts now of folks who had good success busting while they were on O2, and then, when they didn't have O2 (lost insurance), found that busting took a lot longer to take hold (4 or 5 doses instead of two or three).   This is nothing but the anecdotal kind of stuff that we come up with here that makes one wonder whether there's a larger pattern, so I'm just wondering "aloud" whether there might be anything about having O2 that somehow accelerates busting (or about the lack of it that decelerates busting).

In any event, I so hope that whatever each of you does next will work for you.

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I haven't been around for awhile but I read your post and had to recall my password to reply. I was mid cycle when I busted with the seeds. No meds or trex for a week, using only o2 and energy drinks to abort. It took 5 busts with the seeds to be completely pain free. After the first bust the slap backs were so bad I was scared to try it again but I did.After the third  bust I had several painfree days, after the fourth I went a week but still had a shadow or 2 the fifth killed the beast. Dont give up hope just keep busting and as hard as it is stay away from the trex and other meds

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