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Heres another question ,,, ear infections ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ricardo, i have been looking at stomach issues and these headaches recently, i tend to have a super high metabolism, and during attacks i get terrible gas and stomach pains when they end. also i noticed eating too much sets them off and not eating enough does the same.

I wonder if digestive enzymes may play a role in breaking down food to get to the amino acids like l tryptophan, the precursor to melatonin/serotonin which in theory plays a role in the attacks.

Also when you cannot properly digest food, the body sees it as invaders and attacks it, raising white blood cell count, in return lowering red blood cell count. red blood cells carry oxygen....

Then again hypothalamus may have something to do with all that as well.

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the Vagus nerve is the MASTER OF ALL.  it touches everything really, stomach, gut, heart brain. I have for some time thought the Vagus could be involved.  Im trying to gather common other traits that might tie all CH'rs together,, cholicy as babies, ear nose thorat infections as children with lots of antibiotics, mal formed bone structure, etc etc.  Just going to say ,, my son has stopped having his CH's but I do think it was time for him to stop.  However I have been treating his acid reflux and he has been taking Mylanta before he goes to bed and anytime he starts to feel reflux.  he skipped a night and felt bad the next day.   Also he has always had a touchy stomach and has been known to vomit when sleep deprived.

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didg, to save you the trouble of doing this googling yourself  . . .


http://www.electrocoremedical.com/clinical-trial-shows-electrocores-non-invasive-vagus-nerve-stimulation-therapy-is-effective-in-reducing-cluster-headaches (these foks were at the last CB conference and will be at this one, too)

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CEUQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thejournalofheadacheandpain.com%2Fcontent%2Fpdf%2F1129-2377-14-S1-P231.pdf&ei=3_cAVL-ZMciBygS1iIDwBg&usg=AFQjCNFg6-DZochCQO0OksSuughRumrrSA&sig2=8kDvfEjZ69-QrRMxZ9l02g&bvm=bv.74115972,d.aWw (an earlier paper related to the previous one)

I'd be surprised if the GERD tree itself is worth barkin' up (too many people with CH don't report GERD as something common to them; way too many people with GERD don't have CH), but your wise brain might just find something!!  (And if I were you, I guess I'd have your son see a doctor about his reflux, because it sounds like it's too darn frequent, which could either indicate that something else is wrong, or can eventually lead to something he would very much want to avoid, like http://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/guide/barretts-esophagus-symptoms-causes-and-treatments

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks so much CHfather.  There is a silent reflux disease called LPRD or Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease wherein few patients with LPRD experience significant heartburn. Heartburn occurs when the tissue in the esophagus becomes irritated. Most of the reflux events that can damage the throat happen without the patient ever knowing that they are occurring. 

I  will definitely look at your links !

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  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

sinus, ear, always feels like an ear infection a little bit with a cluster. you think a good cleaning would help, but I think its all just pressure in the head from a cluster.

when you bust and feel clear, you seem to see a little better and no pressure in the ears. I love it when I feel that as I know I am back in sync.

remember clusters are a cycle and repeat. you must bust to break the cycle. 

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