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Cluster belly


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Something like this has been mentioned before, I think as "abdominal migraine." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25039367

>>>Cluster headache (CH) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are pain disorders that possess relationships with circadian rhythms. However, they have not been compared to assess similarities that could yield pathophysiologic insights. A young male adult with periodic episodes of abdominal pain highly reminiscent of CH is described. Since childhood, he experienced severe attacks featuring excruciating, abdominal pain accompanied by prominent restlessness, lasting 30-120 minutes, occurring in the evening and in discrete 2- to 8-week periods, interspersed with remissions where typical triggers did not lead to attacks. Although all of the patient's symptoms fell within the spectrum of IBS, the semiology was highly evocative of CH, based on the attack duration, restlessness, periodicity, and selective vulnerability to particular triggers only during attack periods. A subset of patients thought to have IBS may feature similar attack profiles and could suggest the importance of the hypothalamus in its pathophysiology, akin to CH. <<<

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Interesting... like the beast just moved his residence... still autonomic just changing where the pain is perceived?

could yield pathophysiologic insights

Now that's the fancy terminology I was looking for... or insights to draw a clearer picture... still like the picture ref better.

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I have had IBS(frequent flyer) since I can remember. I got CCH at age 33. I have been asked if I think there is any correlation. Personally I dont think so but I could be wrong.

I just know I go through hell when I have to detox for my next MM dose. I take a blocker that significantly helps my IBS.

Thanks for the post! Great read

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