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New Research Study, Please participate


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Announcement of New Study Opening


New Cluster Headache Questionnaire: An International Study

Clusterbusters is pleased to announce the launch of a very important research study:

Cluster Headache: Investigating severity of pain, suicidality, personal burden, access to effective treatment, and demographics among a large International survey sample.


Study Title: Cluster Headache: Investigating severity of pain, suicidality, personal burden, access to effective treatment, and demographics among a large International survey sample.

This study is collaboration between Clusterbusters and Larry Schor, PhD Professor of Psychology at the University of West Georgia.





We are currently contacting individuals who have joined our patient registry or completed a previous Clusterbuster’s survey and have indicated they may be willing to take our online survey.  We hope Headache advocacy groups as well as Neurologists, Headache specialists, and clinics will refer people to the survey, which can be accessed at www.clusterheadache.center


Because this is an International study, we are seeking Cluster Headache patients worldwide.

This is a very important study that will help in several different areas of future research and treatment options for people with clusters. Please participate and pass along to everyone you know with clusters. Drop off the link to your doctor and ask him/her to spread the word among the rest of their cluster patients.

For more detailed information, follow the links found on the banner on the Clusterbusters website, homepage.


We expect this study to be the largest of its kind ever produced and will provide important data that can be used in our advocacy efforts as well as helping demonstrate the need for additional cluster headache research.


Please help us all out and complete the survey when you get some time.



Thanks very much,

Bob Wold


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I finished the survey, but i wish it had some place to make some final comments. My attitude and wellbeing is far better now that I have busted with MM than before. If this survey was taken back when I was suffering my answers would have been way different.

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