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Back Again, but Good news


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Good afternoon,

They are back.....but worse...my husband went almost 2 years pf....then, in July they struck again, but very mild....they went away in August and he was mostly pf….Now, back with a vengeance......The good news I just may have signing up here.....:) Not happy they are back....but starting him on the D3...is there anything new I should let him know???  By the end of this weekend, I should have him on here doing some research.

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Hey CoryAnn,

Please see my post in the "Vitamins" topic here on the General board.  It has the important new updates to the anti-inflammatory regimen.

One of the most important steps in starting this regimen is to have your husband discuss it with his PCP/GP and to ask for the lab test of his 25(OH)D serum concentration.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch


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does he have high flow Oxygen for an abortive?  At the first sign of an attack he can slam half (or all) of an energy drink.  For some reason they take the edge off the attack and seem to help the Oxygen work better.

Glad to see a supporter on here.  If he's getting K10's then you're his lifeline to sanity.  I'd send you a badge if i could :)


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