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Lithium and D3 regimen


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Hello all,

I have heard a lot of good things about the d3 regimen and have been in a cycle for about a month now, getting hit about 2-5 times during the night. Oxygen helps abort the attacks but my neuro and PCP seem to not know much about the regimen. I take lithium 900mg daily and have for about three years with tremendous success. I recently tried getting off of the Lithium about a month ago and the cycle began... my biggest question would be whether or not it is okay for me to take the regimen as described online with the lithium and whether or not you recommend anything else so that I can break this cycle. I tried prednisone about a week ago which gave me a terrible panic attack resulting in me going to the ER with what I thought was a heart attack. I do have mm (which has helped me bust in the past), but am extremely hesitant to take them in combination with the lithium. Any advice would help me. PF wishes!

Thank you,


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Regarding lithium and MM, it says this in the ClusterBuster Files (in "Playing Well Together"):

      >>Anecdotal reports suggest that lithium can greatly potentiate the effects of LSD or mushrooms, and that it can produce very unpleasant feelings. An examination of a number of reports suggested that lithium can either increase or decrease effects.  The combination of lithium and tryptamines may even produce episodes that seem like, and that perhaps are, epileptic seizures. If people are taking lithium for treating cluster headaches and it is not working, they may want to talk with their doctor about not taking it any more before trying mushrooms or LSD. If people are taking lithium for bipolar affective disorder, they probably should continue taking lithium, and they should avoid taking tryptamines for cluster headaches.<<

Not everything in these older document is completely reliable, but I do believe that some others have commented over the years that this information should be kept in mind.

I'm sure that Batch will comment on your primary question, about D3.

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Thank you, I see that now.  I have the mms on hand if I absolutely need them. I am wondering how effective the d3 regimen could be alongside the lithium (or whether it is even beneficial for me to be on lithium during a cycle). I am in the process of getting the vitamins needed for the complete regimen and have taken d3(5,000 iu) and fish oil (1000 mg) today to start I hopes of relief. I always have had clusters and shadows on the right side but the shadow pain seems to have immediately switched to my left side after taking the d3(only 5,000iu).   



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Got slammed three times throughout last night and one very big attack in the morning(on the right side, which is the side I always have attacks on). In the process of weening off of the lithium because it doesn’t seem to be working (so that I can try mm). It will take at least a week or two for me to get completely off of the lithium.  Have not started d3 regimen yet.  Shadow pain has lasted all day today on the right side, but no attack other than the one in the morning and the three over night. Struggling, hoping for advice. PF wishes!

Thank you all!


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It appears you don't have oxygen.  That's something you really, really want for aborting attacks.

Lithium is generally not recommended to be prescribed to people with episodic CH because of the severe attacks that follow from discontinuing it.  That might explain part of what you're experiencing.

For many people, an energy shot (such as 5-Hour Energy) taken at the first sign of an attack can help lessen the severity or even abort an attack.  It is also advised that sometimes drinking ice water through a straw aimed at the roof of your mouth, with the aim of inducing brain freeze, can stop an attack.

I have no idea how sumatriptan injections or a triptan nasal spray might interact with lithium.  But since you can't bust anyway, maybe a triptan would make sense for aborting attacks (?). Oxygen should be the go-to, but sometimes it's easier to get a triptan prescription than to get oxygen. 

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Thank you so much for your advice CHfather,

I do have oxygen luckily as well as Imitrex injections. I have not used the Imitrex because of anxiety about how it my react with lithium. You’re right, I may be experiencing severe attacks as a result of coming off of the lithium. My neuro tells me that I am chronic(not entirely sure) rather than episodic and prescribed the lithium a few years ago. I did get in touch with Batch and will be starting the d3 regimen once I get all of the cofactors, as well as busting once off of the lithium using mm. I will most definitely try the brain freeze and energy shot, willing to try anything that won’t hurt me at this point... This cycle has been the worst yet (I guess because of the lithium) and also because of lack of sleep. I appreciate the support and will most definitely keep you posted. Any other advice or experience would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much!


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