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Help - cold meds


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Stuck out of town - no O2 and only 2 sumitripane shots left (saving for night time attacks).  Have a head cold (or sinus infection) that is triggering HCs during the day (I usually only have at night).  I'm worried the cold meds I'm taking are making things worse?  Taking normal dose of Verapamil and it's seemingly doing nothing.

So I'm wondering - what types of cold meds should I avoid or look for?  Or do I just suffer a few more days until I'm home.

Thanks for any advice!  My in laws think I'm avoiding them when I'm really suffering haha.

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Caffeine can help with shadows. An energy drink or shot is best. Coffee works well for me. Benadryl is good actually for CH.  Part of the D3 Regimen. It will make you sleepy, so I would try one at a time during the day.

Are you on the D3 Regimen? It really helps a LOT of CHers.


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Hey Chano,

The best course of action is to pick up some 5,000 IU vitamin D3 soft gel capsules and 400 mg magnesium softgels, Omega-3 Fish oil and 50+ Adult Mature Mulit shown with daily doses in the following photo.  They're available at Cosco and most super markets.


Rationale...  You're likely vitamin D3 deficient and that deficiency is contributing to the frequency, severity and duration of your CH.  Colds are a viral infection so will also respond to large doses of vitamin C and zinc.  I take 6 to 8 grams (6000 to 8000 mg/day) of vitamin C and 50 mg/day zinc if I feel a cold coming on.  Vitamin D3 and Omega-3 Fish Oil are also natural antiviral agents so will help reduce the length of colds...  and help prevent your CH.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch


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