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Avoid attacks for a short time


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Hey guys,

I am supposed to give a couple of talks the next weeks and I am afraid of having attacks during that time. Usally, I take Naratriptan on that day to be sure, but I want to get rid of all these stuff and also have not taken it for more than one year. Further, I  am not prepared for busting right now. 

Has anybody similiar problems and if yes how are you dealing with it?

PS: at my current state I mostly have one attack a day.

Many thanks!

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Hey Rod H,

thank you very much for the response. Yes  considered Prednisone as well, but I can't use it that often. I also thought of triggering the beast before, so I can be relaxed while mast cells are recharged. Maybe I come up with a strategy.

Cheers, Milelli

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  • 2 weeks later...


thanks for the response. I noticed that thing with the stress,, At the rehearsal last week I did quite well, but after that the stress fade away and I had to endure my first KIP 6 since December during the presentation of my colleagues. Tomorrow I will give the talk under the influence of 40 mg Prednisone, which hopefully does the job,,,

It's always the same with the CH. I hate conferences, although I actually would like them. I guess many of you know the feeling. Everybody is going for lunch at noon and you even can't eat anything unless the CH gets triggered. Then you always have to answer the same stupid questions. -_- However, I was so often desperate of all these that I am starting to get use to it.

Best wishes,


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So 40 mg of Prednisone did the work, although I felt a little peak directly after the talk as the stress had released. I am questing myself if this actually happens because of the relief or if it is the swift change between stress and relaxation. What I mean, does this also happen the other way around? The thing is that the process of getting stressed is more continuously. It gets more and more slightly until it finally reaches a peak (for example the talk). Would a very sharp increase in stress from one to the other moment also causes CH attacks?? I would guess yes, since it would release histamine from the mast cells as well! Has anybody ever observed something like that?

If this theory turns out right, it means that we not only have less attacks when we are permanently stressed, but also if we are permanently relaxed. What I would prefer!!



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triptans made my cycle always last too long,,3m or so 

When I went without tripans the cycle was shorter and the frequency wasn't daily but 2x week 

I 'll suffer with oxygen before I took another triptan in my life.

I would only take triptan on a plane at this point.

Triptans help but are definitely a huge trigger and can turn you into a chronic from episodic , speaking just from my experience.

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Milelli, I usually get hit when I'm relaxed. I can only recall one time in 21 yrs when I got hit when I was stressed out at work. But we are all different and just when you think you've figured it out. It will change just the nature of the beast. 

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