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Vitamin D3 Levels


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Hi all! Lurker now poster here. 

Thank you to all of you that post and provide feedback - it has been a life saver to me. I started the Vitamin D3 regime 2 years ago and have managed to keep the beast tame and haven't had to go back to using prednisone.

I recently had my Vitamin D3 blood test and haven't done it for awhile and my level is 91 ng/ml. (Last year I was at 27 ng/ml) .I still get a shadow a few times a week but now am unsure how to continue with the D3.

I was taking the following medication daily a few months ago but then decided to lower my verapamil dosage:

1 Verahexal 240mg SR (Haven't taken for 2 months now)

10,000 Vitamin D3 (Pushed up to 15,000 when I tapered off the verahexal)

1 Mature multi

1 Omega 3 (EPA 825mg / DHA 275mg)

60mg Calcium

If needed for shadow- 80g of verapamil


My GP says I should stop the D3 for a while to lower my levels but I am scared to stop my D3. Should I just lower my daily dosage?

Thanks in advance!

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Hmm, that happened to me once, but then it allowed me to message him. He will see this post where i tagged his name. He pretty much looks at every vit D post as well. Give him a little time, he’s kind of off grid with limited internet access atm. 

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